Ozone concentration and urbanization: RUDN University ecologists and specialists from Indonesia discussed the problems of megacities

Ozone concentration and urbanization: RUDN University ecologists and specialists from Indonesia discussed the problems of megacities

How to improve the environment in big cities? This question is asked by experts from different parts of the world. 130 ecologists from RUDN University and Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia) discussed the sustainable development of megacities at the international scientific seminar “Urban Ecology”.

How to improve the environment in big cities? This question is asked by experts from different parts of the world. 130 ecologists from RUDN University and Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia) discussed the sustainable development of megacities at the international scientific seminar “Urban Ecology”.

What issues are on the agenda?

  • Modeling and estimation of tropospheric ozone
  • Air pollution in urban areas
  • Environmental engineering in construction
  • Environmentally friendly land use

The rapid development of megacities and the increase in urban population negatively affect the state of the environment. This is observed in both Indonesia and Russia. We need international scientific teams that will pool their potential to solve environmental problems. The purpose of the seminar is to establish academic connections between the scientific groups of RUDN University and Bogor Agricultural University.
Anna Popkova, Deputy Director for International Activities of the RUDN Institute of Ecology

The study of tropospheric ozone is one of the central topics of discussion. RUDN University specialists studied the ozone content in the ground layer in urban and unpolluted suburban areas. Professors Alexander Khaustov and Margarita Redina presented an analysis of the dynamics and a refined assessment of background ozone concentrations based on specialized observations.We have established the main factors in the formation of ozone concentrations in the surface layer of the atmosphere. The method of dynamic phase portraits allows one to determine background concentrations of a pollutant with fairly high accuracy without the use of complex models.
Alexander Khaustov, leading specialist of the Institute of Ecology of RUDN University

Experts from the Indonesian side studied the main factors in the formation of ozone concentrations in the ground layer in high altitude and tropical climates. Experts made conclusions based on observations from three stations: Bogor, Sibeureum and Serpong. To assess the impact of climate change on ozone dynamics, long-term monitoring is needed. We will be able to track the implications of these processes for various sectors, including health and biodiversity conservation.
I. Putu, Associate Professor, Bogor Agricultural University, Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

At the seminar, a project was presented, during which ecologists studied the atmospheric air on the territory of RUDN University. Experts assessed the aerosol content. The main objective of the study is year-round analysis of air pollution, the geochemical state of the soil, and noise pressure. The experts also sought to determine the impact of the urban transport system on the territory of RUDN University. City monitoring services do not provide detailed information about pollution levels on campus. In 2017, we decided to organize our own monitoring system.
Margarita Redina, Professor, Department of Environmental Safety and Product Quality Management, Institute of Ecology, RUDN University

Another issue on the agenda is reducing plastic. Environmentalists discussed whether waste could become an environmentally friendly building material. We have put a lot of effort into environmental conservation when it comes to plastic waste - reduce, reuse and recycle. Conducted research and proved that using 10-20% artificial crushed plastic in concrete mix can be an alternative way to reduce plastic waste and achieve target strength.
Heriansia Putra, Deputy Head of the Bogor Agricultural University Campus Sustainability Office

Another topic of the seminar was the features of engineering surveys in urban areas.

The level of urbanization is increasing every year. There are fewer and fewer unaffected areas remaining. This leads to an increase in the role of engineering surveys. It is important to conduct thorough research and create a highly qualified talent pool and modern technical base to prevent environmental pollution.
Sarkisov Georgy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Management, Institute of Ecology, RUDN University

For information

Bogor Agricultural University is one of the leading universities in Indonesia, recognized nationally and internationally. Founded in 1963 and consistently ranked in the top 5% of educational centers in the world. It conducts research in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine and natural sciences. The university also deals with issues of environmental protection and climate change.

The international scientific seminar “Urban ecology” is part of the cooperation program between RUDN and Bogor Agricultural University.

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