Device for measuring the sagittal range of motion in the medial metatarsal joint
The utility model pertains to medicine, more specifically to orthopaedics. The device for measuring the sagittal range of motion in the medial metatarsal joint consists of two parts mounted on the head of the I and II metatarsal bones and represents two mutually perpendicular strips, while the surfaces of the horizontal bars are concave from the side of the skin to the skin above the metatarsal bone and the curved bone on the opposite side, while the vertical bar of one part has a ruler marked on its surface, and the vertical bar of the other part is equipped with an arrow-pointer. The device is easy to manufacture. The application of the utility model makes it possible to improve the measurements accuracy.
A.S.Karandin A.A.Kardanov A.V.Korolev V.N.Chernous
№160252 Registered 15 Feb 2016
- Priority31 Jul 2015
- Class of ICPIA61
- Application number2015131848
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 7
Method of development of an inclined lying productive stratum of minerals
The invention pertains to mining and oil and gas output and can be used, more specifically, for underground borehole leaching of a salt layer lying under a certain slope. The method makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the development due to a more complete study of the inclined mineral deposits (salts, high-viscosity oil, uranium and copper ores, etc.).
A.D.Gladush A.E.Vorob'ev A.S.Kaukenova Martin Zaruma Tores
№2593849 Registered 18 Jul 2016
- Priority31 Jul 2015
- Class of ICPIE21
- Application number2015131844
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 22
Directing device for fixing the transplant while restoring the bone defect of the articular process of the scapula
The utility model pertains to medicine, more specifically to orthopaedics, and can be used in the surgical treatment of anterior instability of the shoulder joint. The use of the device reduces traumatism and shortens the operation time.
Nikolay Zagorodniy E.A.Belyak F.L.Lazko A.P.Prizov A.A.Kubashev A.R.Zakirova
№158950 Registered 22 Dec 2015
- Priority02 Oct 2017
- Class of ICPIA61
- Application number2015141940
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 1
Device for correction of kyphoscoliotic deformity of spine in children
The utility model pertains to medicine and can be used in traumatology, orthopaedics and vertebrology. The device for correction of kyphoscoliotic deformity of spine in children contains two elastic plates, a block for connecting plates with vertebrae, consisting of C-shaped hooks, with screw-like elements, U-shaped grips with one protrusion and fixing nuts in the heel. The device provides a more stable and even distribution of the load on the plates, a reduction in the resistance of the device blocks to the growth of the spine, and is also less traumatic for surrounding soft body tissues.
A.A.Laka M.T.Sampiev Nikolay Zagorodniy Kushand Ramlugon V.S.Malkov
№155357 Registered 09 Sep 2015
- Priority12 Mar 2015
- Class of ICPIA61
- Application number2015108641
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 28
Method of extraction of gas hydrates from the bottom layers of the seas, oceans and lakes
The invention pertains to a gas-oil industry, and more particularly to the development of bottom-hole gas hydrates. The method makes it possible to control the process of destruction of the gas hydrate deposit.
A.E.Vorobjov K.E.Shchesnyak Raghav Jugendra Singh L.E.Shchesnyak A.V.Vlasova E.V.Chekushina
№2588522 Registered 06 Jun 2016
- Priority29 May 2015
- Class of ICPIE21
- Application number2015120472
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 18
Orthodontic typodont
The utility model pertains to medical anatomical models, more specifically to orthodontics and orthodontic devices. The orthodontic typodont contains a model of the upper and lower jaw with a plastic cap, teeth, braces and an orthodontic arch, while the dental holes of the artificial paradont formed in a plastic base are filled with pre-melted wax. The typodont makes it possible to study the biomechanics of tooth movement in three directions under the influence of superimposed orthodontic equipment and the training of orthodontists in the practical skills of fixing orthodontic equipment with control of the movements of teeth after it is applied.
Т.F.Kosyreva A.V.Osintsev O.N.Selector A.S.Biryukov M.B.Vasilieva
№135253 Registered 10 Dec 2013
- Priority10 Jul 2013
- Class of ICPIA61
- Application number2013131685
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 34
Method for extracting rhenium from molybdenum-containing solutions
The invention pertains to the field of hydrometallurgy of rare metals, more specifically to a method for extracting rhenium from molybdenum-containing solutions. The method includes the sorption of rhenium from molybdenum-containing solutions by anion exchangers of the gel structure. The sorption is carried out on anion exchangers with a pore size of 2.5-6.0.10-10 m, which do not contain tertiary amino groups and quaternary ammonium groups. The technical result is an increase in the selectivity of rhenium extraction.
A.E.Vorob'ev E.V.Chekushina T.V.Chekushina R.A.Mastonov
№2571991 Registered 30 Nov 2015
- Priority30 May 2014
- Class of ICPIC22
- Application number2014122058
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 36
Device for distal displacement of permanent molars
The utility model pertains to medicine, more specifically to the orthodontics and orthodontic devices and can be used to treat violations of the position (mesial displacement) of the lateral teeth. According to statistics, 65% of dentoalveolar anomalies in cases of distal occlusion are associated with mesial displacement of the patients lateral teeth, which leads to shortening of the dentition, development of congestion or pathological protrusion of the frontal teeth, which are treated by removing premolars or by distalization of molars. The model contains an orthodontic implant, an active and preformed stabilizing wire arc, one end of which is fixed to the supporting tooth, the free end of the active arc is fixed to the moved tooth, and the free end of the stabilizing arc is fixed to the orthodontic implant. The active arc is a loop made of an alloy of superelastic titanium nickelide, having a circular cross-section 0.4 mm in diameter, and the stabilizing arc is made of a steel alloy and has a rectangular cross section. The device allows to improve the interaction of its working parts with the patient's dental row, and to simplify its manufacturing and installation into the oral cavity.
M.B.Vasilyeva Т.F.Kosyreva
№134423 Registered 20 Nov 2013
- Priority20 Jun 2013
- Class of ICPIA61
- Application number2013128154
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 32
Device for intraocular pressure reducing
The device for reducing IOP is made in the form of a curved wire spiral made of stainless steel, with 5-7 turns of the head and tail of the spiral tightly pressed together, and the distance between the turns of the central part of the spiral is 0.1-0.2 mm . The technical result is a decrease in the traumatic nature of the operation associated with the device injection into the Shlemm-channel, and the prevention of trauma-related complications.
Kumar Vinod M.A.Frolov E.V.Bogzhok G.N.Dushina
№130840 Registered 10 Aug 2013
- Priority21 Feb 2013
- Class of ICPIA61
- Application number2013107669
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 22
Method for leaching minerals from a productive formation
The invention pertains to mining. The method for leaching minerals from a productive formation includes drilling of injection and extraction trunks, feeding the leach solution through a pouring barrel and pumping the productive solution through a extraction unit. Drilling of the pouring and pumping trunks is carried out in one direction, placing the pouring bays under the poured ones, while drilling the next pair of pouring and pumping shafts, drilling the next pair of barrels clockwise from the first pair in 45 ° increments, and feeding the leach solution after drilling the next pair of barrels, after pumping out the productive solution, the used trunks are muffled and they drill new trunks counter-clockwise with a step from the first pumping and pouring barrels at 22.5 °, following - at 45 °. In addition, when the ore formation is inclined, the drilling and pumping trunks are drilled at an angle of occurrence of the ore formation.
A.E.Vorobjov K.A.Vorobyov A.S.Kaukenova T.V.Chekushina A.A.Shchelkin
№2543232 Registered 27 Jan 2015
- Priority10 Jun 2013
- Class of ICPIE21
- Application number2013131693
- PublicationRospatent Bul. №6