Research and development of models and methods in scheduling, analysis and computation of 5G wireless networks.

Research and development of models and methods in scheduling, analysis and computation of 5G wireless networks.

Supervisor K.E.Samuylov
Subject/research area
  • Wireless networks;
  • 5G network;
  • user applications based on wireless networks;
  • simulation modeling
Goals and tasks

Establish a world-class Research Center for solving practical problems in 5G wireless networks in regard to user applications, including simulation modeling

Scope of application of results

The research results can also be also applied by research centers, educational institutions, mobile operators, network equipment designers, content operators, governments, industrial enterprises, transport and logistics companies, air carriers, medical institutions, housing and utilities sector, trade enterprises.

Research results will be used in planning, analysis and computation of 5G wireless networks in its design and implementation (including 5G wireless networks of Internet of Things). In particular, software design for:

  • operation of wireless mechanisms and machines involved in industrial production or provision of services. For example, robot design or other automated devices controlled by wireless networks;
  • road traffic organization with autopilot functions in cars. For example, vehicle design with autopilot function managed by wireless networks;
  • organizing logistic supplies. For example, designing self-regulating water supply, power supply and other supplies managed by wireless networks;
  • trade enterprise workflow management with full self-service. For example, design of trade enterprises operated by devices controlled by wireless networks;
  • organizing construction and operation of smart buildings and structures. For example, design of monitoring systems for construction and facility management by wireless networks;
  • development of automated systems to improve citizen security. For example, design of video surveillance systems controlled by wireless networks.

Research results will also be applied to the operation of the following types of companies:

  • Сompanies that develop software to support the Internet of Things technology with radio resource management of heterogeneous 5G wireless networks. For example, design of automated systems for nursing.
  • Telecommunications companies that use statistical analysis of customer movements in wireless networks in order to identify the spatial and probabilistic characteristics of traffic as well as the reliability of network connections. For example, design of autopilot systems for automobiles and railway vehicles.
  • Companies that design devices for nuclear electronics to record elementary particles and photon radiation. For example, design of devices for counting pulses from integrating detectors as well as classification of types of elementary particles and studies of their energy spectrum when it is required to analyze the pulse shape of particles, determine their amplitude and relative time delay between pulses; for analysis of elementary particles’ directional distribution.
  • Companies that design devices for work with small-size quantum systems, i.e. systems containing structural elements about 1-100 nm in size that determine their basic properties and characteristics. For example, design of nanodevices (nanopumps, nanomotors, nanorobots, nanomannipulators, etc.) and creation of nanomaterials with specified properties (super strength, superhardness, complete absorption or reflection of electromagnetic radiation, etc.).
  • Companies and organizations that analyze stochastic dynamics of physical, technical, and economic systems which are random in nature. For example, design of aircrafts: planes, unmanned aerial vehicles, missiles; development of monitoring systems of high-rise buildings and structure stability (stability during earthquakes), development of monitoring systems for macroeconomic dynamics, etc
  • Companies that design nanoscale integrated optical systems and devices for optical interconnection and information processing. For example, the design of data-transmission systems via fiber-optic communication channels.
  • Education institutions to train highly qualified staff in Russia and abroad.