Research and development of scientific bases and complex stochastic models to evaluate effectiveness and reliability of device interconnection in wireless networks of the Internet of Things.

Research and development of scientific bases and complex stochastic models to evaluate effectiveness and reliability of device interconnection in wireless networks of the Internet of Things.

Supervisor K.E.Samuylov
Subject/research area
  • Wireless networks;
  • 5G network;
  • probability problem, mathematical theory of teletraffic.
Goals and tasks

Establish a world-class Research Center for solving theoretical problems in wireless networks in regard to the development of mathematical models including usage of the mathematical theory of teletraffic methods

Scope of application of results

Industries that will be involved in implementation of Internet of Things projects: mobile operators, designers of network equipment, content operators, governments, industrial enterprises, educational institutions, transport and logistics companies, air carriers, medical institutions, housing and utilities sector.

The research results can be used by research centers, educational institutions, mobile operators, designers of network equipment, content operators, governments, industrial enterprises, transport and logistics companies, air carriers, medical institutions, housing and utilities sector, trade enterprises and by education institutions to train highly qualified staff in Russia and abroad.

Software development for:

  • operation of wireless mechanisms and machines involved in industrial production or provision of services. For example, robot design or other automated devices controlled by wireless networks.
  • road traffic organization with autopilot functions in cars. For example, design of vehicles with autopilot function managed by wireless networks.
  • organizing logistic supplies. For example, designing self-regulating water supply, power supply and other supplies managed by wireless networks.
  • organizing construction and operation of smart buildings and structures. For example, design of monitoring systems for construction and facility management by wireless networks.
  • development of automated systems to improve citizen security. For example, design of video surveillance systems controlled by wireless networks.