Development of mathematical models and methods of analysis for quality evaluation of infrastructure of the Internet of Things operation within conditions of dynamic device relocation
Development of mathematical models and methods of analysis for quality evaluation of infrastructure of the Internet of Things operation within conditions of dynamic device relocation
Year 2017
Establish a world-class Research Center for solving theoretical problems in probability theory and mathematical statistics, including the application of developed mathematical models to analyze telecommunications networks and systems
Project goals
- The Project’s objective is to develop motion models for devices in 5G wireless networks taking into account data from mobility statistics for the evaluation of interference generated by moving devices and associated probabilistic characteristics of radio link unavailability periods. Formalization of radio resource control mechanisms in 5G networks in terms of the theory of random processes, queuing theory, and teletraffic theory considering heterogeneous network infrastructure, moving devices and availability of D2D and Internet of Things traffic as well as development of methods of analysis for queuing models with changing requirements.
Project leader
All participants
Yuri Orlov
Project results
Development of device motion models in 5G wireless heterogeneous networks based on the statistical characteristics the movement patterns of subscribers. For typical subscriber interworking scenarios in 5G networks with support of D2D connections and the Internet of Things, an analysis of the characteristics of signal to interference ratio is made as well as related quality indicators in terms of random processes
A kinetic equation for the variation of probability distribution’s characteristics of wireless network will become available.
The terms of queuing models with limited resources will be used to describe functioning of the radio call distribution mechanisms in 5G heterogeneous network considering D2D traffic and Internet of Things traffic. Methods and algorithms for calculating the probabilistic-time characteristics of 5G networks for the Internet of Things will be developed.
The problems of optimizing parameters of radio resource management schemes will be formulated and solved.
All list
LTE Network Analyzers
• Study of traffic classes related to the interaction of moving devices in 5G wireless networks.
• Study of queuing systems with a random number of non-homogeneous sources of limited availability and limited resources for data processing.
• Automated processing of experimental data.
• Management of radio resources of 5G wireless networks with support of Internet Things technologies.
Test stations for modeling high network loading
• Study of traffic classes related to the interaction of moving devices in 5G wireless networks.
• Study of queuing systems with a random number of non-homogeneous sources of limited availability and limited resources for data processing.
• Automated processing of experimental data.
• Management of radio resources of 5G wireless networks with support of Internet Things technologies.
SIM card programming devices
• Study of traffic classes related to the interaction of moving devices in 5G wireless networks.
• Study of queuing systems with a random number of non-homogeneous sources of limited availability and limited resources for data processing.
• Automated processing of experimental data.
• Management of radio resources of 5G wireless networks with support of Internet Things technologies.
Access points (hotspots) for 5G millimeter range demonstrator
• Study of traffic classes related to the interaction of moving devices in 5G wireless networks.
• Study of queuing systems with a random number of non-homogeneous sources of limited availability and limited resources for data processing.
• Automated processing of experimental data.
• Management of radio resources of 5G wireless networks with support of Internet Things technologies.
Server based on Intel Xeon processor (4 pieces), 8 cores per processor, 512 GB RAM
• Study of traffic classes related to the interaction of moving devices in 5G wireless networks.
• Study of queuing systems with a random number of non-homogeneous sources of limited availability and limited resources for data processing.
• Automated processing of experimental data.
• Management of radio resources of 5G wireless networks with support of Internet Things technologies.
Application area
- software for automated systems in banking and insurance: design of automated banking and insurance offices which will operate by devices controlled by wireless networks;
- Computer modeling of radio resource control mechanisms in 5G networks in terms of random process theory taking into account heterogeneous network infrastructure, moving devices and the availability of D2D and Internet of Things traffic.
- software for automated systems of interaction with public authorities: design of automated public service centers, which will operate by devices controlled by wireless networks.

Tampere, Finland
Subject of cooperation:
Development of models of devices traffic in 5G wireless networks together with the representatives of Tampere University of Technology
Result of cooperation:
conduct analysis of signal-to-interference ratio as well as related indicators of quality in terms of random processes for typical scenarios of user interaction in 5G networks supporting D2D connections and the Internet of Things.
About partner:
Start of collaboration: November 2016
Tampere University of Technology is one of two Finnish universities funded by the foundation. The University consists of 5 faculties.
The university has 8,300 students and 1,700 employees.
At the moment the university is ranked 319 and 287 in the field of Engineering & Technology according to QS ratings.
Scientific Research at Tampere University of Technology is geared towards the application of mathematical methods to enhance software productivity and reliability. The main research topics include effective algorithms and data structures, algorithmic machine learning and data mining