Development of new methods for synthesis of natural compounds and its analogues on a basis of domino-reactions and highly selective reagents to search for new biologically active substances
Development of new methods for synthesis of natural compounds and its analogues on a basis of domino-reactions and highly selective reagents to search for new biologically active substances
Year 2017
Project goals
- Study of reaction mechanisms, thermodynamic / kinetic control of reversible processes.
- Usage of received data in education courses (chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, pharmaceutical testing, medical chemistry).
- Separately, we should mention the biological screening we are planning on the unique equipment of the Common Use Center (CUS) of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of RUDN (Plate reader Infinite-1000). The series of compounds obtained for this project will be subjected to biological activity tests, and the results obtained, after their analysis (by using appropriate software), will outline ways for the further modification of basic structures (hit-to-lead) and the next step will be to assess the toxicity assessment and in vivo bioactivity of drug candidates.
Project leader
All participants
Aleksey Varlamov
Project results
The results of the one-year project will include the development of effective approaches to obtain practically useful substances, mostly with the help of new, original transformations. This will significantly expand our knowledge in the chemistry of indoles, furan and chroman and will also make a wide range of new heterocycles for biological screening available. The proposed approaches to target the compounds and other results conform to international standards and even exceed them in a number of positions.
The practical use of bio-test results and their licensing for further commercialization will become available due to the availability of unique equipment.
The obtained results (both fundamental and applied) are used in the educational process in the framework of current and new courses.
30 articles will be published in journals included in the WoS and Scopus databases and an application for 1 patent will be filed based on the project results
All list
Liquid chromatograph Shimadzu LC-20
It is intended for the separation of analytes into components, its detection, identification and quantitative analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Benchtop Dual-Channel Spectrometer SpinSolv Carbon
An optical device used in spectroscopic studies to accumulate a spectrum, its quantitative processing and subsequent analysis using various analytical methods. The decomposed spectrum is obtained by recording the fluorescence after exposure to the substance under the test with radiation (X-ray or laser radiation, spark action, etc.). Essentially, this device measures the intensity and energy (wavelength, frequency) of radiation and other characteristics can be recorded, for example, the polarization state. The term “spectrometer” is applied to devices operating in a wide range of wavelengths: from gamma to infrared range.
IKA RV 8V Rotary Evaporator
It is designed to remove residual solvent from the reaction mixture.
IKA Heating Mantles
Designed for reactions with external heating.
IKA RST basic Magnetic Stirrer
Designed for carrying out reactions with stirring and, if necessary, heating.
Top-pan balane UW-220H Shimadzu
Designed for weighing work material with a certain and prescribed accuracy.
X-ray powder diffraction apparatus DRON-7
The device is designated for X-ray diffraction analysis to specify material compositions.
Application area
- in hematology (treatment of blood clotting disorders, treatment of hematologica malignancy, treatment of hemoglobinopathy and genetical bleeding diathesis; hemophilia).
- in osteology (treatment and prevention of bone marrow diseases);
- immunohematology (study and subsequent detection of humoral immunity factors and antigenic specificity of blood)

About partner:
Open Joint Stock Company “Alfananotekh”, Federal Publicly Funded Institution of Science “Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of FMBA Russia”