Year 2019-2021
Sustainable development means development in which the impact of humanity on the environment does not go beyond the natural possibilities of nature. The most important tool for sustainable development is education, as noted by the UN, UNESCO, the European Economic Commission and other international organizations. The scientific novelty of the project is to substantiate the education system for sustainable development at the international, national and institutional levels on the basis of foresight.
A series of articles, as well as a monograph “Education for Sustainable Development in action” are planned for publication.
Objectives of the project
To substantiate theoretically, design and verify the concept of continuing education for sustainable development, including:
- mechanisms for the transfer of expert scientific knowledge into the practice of education for sustainable development;
- approaches to the technologization of theoretical models of education for sustainable development;
- tools for ensuring integration and continuity of education for sustainable development in the system of formal, non-formal
and informal education.
Project support
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant No. 19-013-00722.
List of project RIA
- Gleason R., Kirillov P. N., Koryakina N. I., Ermakov A. S., Ermakov D. S. Whole-institution Approach in Education for Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15. № 4. P. 36–43.
- Zakhlebny A. N., Dzyatkovskaya E. N., Ermakov D. S. History and prospects of development of the system of continuous environmental education (to the 50th anniversary of the Scientific Council for Environmental Education of the Russian Academy of Education) // Continuous education: XXI century. 2020. Vol. 32. No. 4. pp. 21-35.
- Ermakov D. S. Sustainability as a Driver for Vocational Education and Competitiveness // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2021. Vol. 280. P. 760–767.
- Ermakov D., Ermakov A. Memetic approach to cultural evolution // Biosystems. 2021. Vol. 204. P. 104378.
- Ermakov D. S., Ermakov A. S., Kolesova E. V. On the Application of Foresight in Education for Sustainable Development // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16. № 4. С. 55–64.
- The goal of the project is to establish universal regular-ities (psychological, pedagogical, socio-ecological and others) that ensure the design of the interface “science - education - environment”. It is aimed at implementing an education system that ensures
a change in people's life-style in the direction of sustainability and environmental improvement - education for sustainable development (ESD).
Dmitry Ermakov
* the main characteristics of education for sustainable development - strengths and weaknesses, opportuni-ties and threats;
* conditions - trends, technologies, formats and "jok-ers" that need to be taken into account when develop-ing a structural and functional model of education for sustainable development and a roadmap for its imple-mentation.
- Sphere of the results:
* Higher education,
* general education,
* additional education of children,
* educational activities. - The developed materials were used in the preparation of:
* The State Report “On the State and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation in 2019”,
* Voluntary national review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Russian Federation,
* Civic Review on the implementation of the Sustain-able Development Goals in the Russian Federation (pre-sented at the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, New York, 2020). - The results were implemented in educational and envi-ronmental organizations.

Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia