Hetero ligand metal complexes as an approach to materials with controlled catalytic, magnetic and photo-physical properties
Hetero ligand metal complexes as an approach to materials with controlled catalytic, magnetic and photo-physical properties
Year 2017
Project goals
- Modeling and synthesis of transition metals complexes containing various (O, N, P, 8) ligands.
- Study of catalytic, magnetic and phosphorescent properties of obtained complexes depending on the coordination environment of the transition metal atom.
- Establishment of direct “structure-property” and an inverse “property-synthesis” of relationships oriented toward directional generation of materials with specified properties.
Project leader
All participants
Project results
study features of the synthesis of transition metal complexes in a different (O, N, P, 8) -ligand environment;
determine patterns of product structure formation (including supermolecular), depending on the nature of metals and ligands as well as their combinations;
study catalytic, magnetic, photophysical properties of synthesized compounds and to determine their interrelation with the structure;
propose the directions of controlled synthesis of compounds with a required set of properties as well as obtaining materials based on them.
All list
Benchtop Dual-Channel Spectrometer SpinSolv Carbon
An optical device used in spectroscopic studies to accumulate a spectrum, its quantitative processing and subsequent analysis using various analytical methods. The decomposed spectrum is obtained by recording the fluorescence after exposure to the substance under the test with radiation (X-ray or laser radiation, spark action, etc.). Essentially, this device measures the intensity and energy (wavelength, frequency) of radiation and other characteristics can be recorded, for example, the polarization state. The term “spectrometer” is applied to devices operating in a wide range of wavelengths: from gamma to infrared range.
X-ray powder diffraction apparatus DRON-7
The device is designated for X-ray diffraction analysis to specify material compositions.
Application area
- in analytical chemistry (reagents of analytical chemistry are widely used in gravimetric and titrimetry methods of analysis as precipitators and coprecipitators while declustering and concentrating of substances is used as masking agents; extraction is one of the extensive fields of reagents application; the reagents are needed for ion exchange, electrophoretic and other separation methods; the analytical reagents are important for many physical and physicochemical methods of analysis, for example, amperometry, radioactivation, chemical spectrum analysis; organic reagents have a promising application for Gas Chromatography (for fast separation and specification of elements).
- for structure evaluation of various ligands and its usage in the synthesis of new substances for the production of industrial catalysts (e.g. Ziegler-Natta, Friedel-Crafts, Grubbs, etc.)

Subject of cooperation:
collaboration on the development of the synthesis of heteroligandic metal complexes as an approach to materials with controlled catalytical, magnetic and photophysical properties.
Result of cooperation:
study peculiarities of transition metals synthesis in different (O, N, P, 8) -ligand environment as well as study of catalytical, magnetic, photophysical properties of synthesized compounds and its interrelation with structure.
About partner:
The Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences was established in 1954. The outstanding scientist Alexander Nikolayevich Nesmeyanov (1899-1980), who served as the president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, made a great contribution to its creation as he created the newest organoelement chemistry as an independent scientific discipline linking organic and inorganic chemistry. A.N.Nesmeyanov has headed the Institute for 26 years.