Metabolomic research (studying body responses to pathophysiological effects by assessing the levels of low molecular weight metabolites in biofluids and tissues and their dynamics) forms the basis of the project. This research is a modern scientific approach to understanding how a disease has emerged, to diagnosis of diseases and optimization of medicinal treatment. Two main directions are under the implementation: the first involves practicing screening methods for 158 metabolites, lipid metabolism mediators, using HPLC-/MS/МS method and its application in vitro experiments when studying CNS inflammatory conditions (assessment of release levels of prostaglandins and rezolvins - the most important pro- and anti-inflammatory lipid mediators); the second in vivo direction is based on comparing the blood metabolome of healthy and sick patients (City Clinical Hospital №24 ), developing an algorithm for the effective treatment of arterial hypertension with ‘inflammatory’ component. Furthermore, in vivo test system is being developed under the project. It is used for comparative express assessment of the anti-inflammatory activity of drug products.
- Developing new modern methods of prevention.
- Diagnosis and treatment of the most important human diseases and introducing them into clinical practice.
Viktor Chistyakov
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Early diagnosis
- Screening of anti-inflammatory activity of drug candidates

Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia