Andrey Kostin
Doctor of Medical Science
Associate Professor,
Scientific interests:

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Grigory Boyadzhan
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2017
Research topic: Methodological aspects and results of clinical examinationof oncourological patients
Annotation to the dissertation: The work is based on the results of a study to assess the effectiveness of clinical examination to identify patientsoncourological profile using the example of the healthcare system of the Kemerovo region. The results of prophylactic medical examination of oncological patients in the Kemerovo region were assessed on the basis of reports of the Regional Department of Public Health Protection for 2011-2014. The high prognostic significance of conducting clinical examination of the population to identify patients with oncological diseases at the level of regional health has been established. The prognostic factors of the expected results of clinical examination to identify patients with oncological diseases are determined.