Lyudmila Karavanova
Doctor of Psychology

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Gulnar Abayeva
Country: Kazakhstan
Year of protection: 2014
Research topic: Pedagogical ensuring esthetic education of children of middle school age in extracurricular activities of educational institution
Annotation to the dissertation: By means of the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical researches features of a phenomenon of esthetic education of children of middle school age in modern sociocultural realities are revealed. Relevance of esthetic education in the context of modern development of society is proved. The general is revealed and concretized special in the organization and the content of process of esthetic education of children of middle school age. It is developed functional and substantial model of esthetic education of children of middle school age in extracurricular activities of educational institution. Optimum pedagogical conditions of its realization are defined, and also recommendations about improvement of the studied process are formulated.

Darya Tsukanova
Country: Kazakhstan
Year of protection: 2014
Research topic: Pedagogical assistance spiritual moral to formation of the identity of the younger school student in out-of-class activity
Annotation to the dissertation: Relevance of potential of out-of-class activity in pedagogical assistance spiritual moral to formation of the identity of the younger school student in modern sociocultural realities of Kazakhstan is proved. The model of pedagogical assistance spiritual moral to formation of the identity of the younger school student in out-of-class activity is developed. Level of readiness of younger school students for spiritual moral development in the conditions of out-of-class activity is determined