Marianna Kharlamova
Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Associate Professor, Head of Departamet, department of Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting

«The best waste is the one that doesn't exist» (circular economy slogan)


Graduated with honors from the faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Peoples ' Friendship University named after P. Lumumba, specialized in chemistry, a teacher of higher and secondary schools; the second specialty is a translator from English, diploma with honors. 

1985 - 1999

Worked at Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences at the Institute of Ecology and High Technologies (Research Institute of Ecology and High Technologies) as a laboratory assistant in the laboratory of molecular spectroscopy, a researcher and a senior researcher. 

1999 - 2014

Worked as a senior lecturer, and then as Associate Professor of Department of Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting of Faculty of Ecology of RUDN.


Defended PhD thesis on the topic: "Thermodynamic foundations of effectiveness of environmental protection processes for cleaning chrome-containing washing drains", specialty 03.00.16 - Ecology (Chemical Sciences), with the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences.

2007 - 2018

Jury chairman and chairman of the annual section "Landscape Ecology and Geochemistry" of the all-Russian competition for Young Environmental Researchers (UIOS) and the all-Russian scientific ecological and biological Olympiad of additional education organizations of Federal Children's ecological and biological center.


Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor at Department of Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting of RUDN.

2014 - present

Acted as Head of the Department, and since 2016 has been Head of Department of Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting of RUDN.

2015 - present


2016 - present

Expert-analyst of RIA Novosti, RBC TV company in the field of ecological safety of industrial enterprises in Moscow.

2017 - 2018

Expert of Interregional environmental public organization "Independent center for environmental expertise". 

2018 - present

Member of Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) on global environmental issues.


International expert of X International Conference-forum of Chinese and international experts in the field of high technologies in Weihai (Shandong province).

2019 - present

Member of Scientific and Technical Council of Federal service for supervision in the field of nature management ROSPRIRODNADZOR.


Expert of international student Olympiad "Open Doors" of Association "Global universities"; expert of all-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on Ecology.


The author of disciplinary courses for bachelors of "Ecology and Nature Management" and " Resource and energy-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology» directions:

  • Resource saving technologies;
  • Recycling of production and consumption waste;
  • Ecological design of industrial facilities;
  • Resource saving basics.

For masters of "Ecology and Nature Management" direction, specializations "Recycling of production and consumption waste" and " Rational nature management”:

  • Regional and municipal waste management systems;

The author of the courses in English:

  • «Waste Management» for postgraduates,
  • «Modern Technologies for Nature Protection» for foreign masters.

The author of the distance learning course MOOC «International Environmental Management:  Municipal Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste & Wastewater».

Since 2016 - the author and head of the main educational program of the master's program "Recycling of production and consumption waste".

The author of 7 textbooks and manuals including:

  1. Kharlamova M. D., Kurbatova A. I. Solid waste: recycling technologies, methods of control, monitoring. Moscow: Urait Publishing House. 2019 - 311 p.
    This training manual will help future specialists-ecologists - users of natural resources orientate in planning and organizing work in the field of waste management of production and consumption, their storage and processing. The textbook has a scientific, theoretical and applied purpose, since it covers the physical, chemical, biochemical and technological bases of waste processing and disposal, as well as the basics of management strategy and documentation of activities in this area. To consolidate knowledge on the studied material, each chapter of the manual contains control questions for self-training, practical tasks for independent work are provided.
  2. Kharlamova M. D., Abdyzhaparova A. A., Kapralova D. O.  Resource-saving and recycling of production and consumption waste. M.: RUDN Publishing House, 2019-132 p.
    This training manual is a collection of practical works, including a summary of theoretical material by themes. The variants of calculation tasks on the main themes of training courses are offered:" Recycling of production and consumption waste", "Resource-saving technologies", "Basics of resource-saving". The tasks address the issues of assessing the profitability of organizing and conducting environmental protection measures, modern methods of assessing the class of toxicity of waste, approaches to choosing the best available technologies for wastewater treatment and thermal waste processing, etc. Each practical work provides a brief overview of the theoretical foundations of the issue under consideration, the calculation method and options for the technical task. When performing practical work, students get acquainted with the main types of environmental documentation, its features, forms of presentation, sources of receipt, acquire skills in working with specialized literature, official websites of government departments, services and organizations related to environmental activities, learn to calculate environmental quality indicators, waste hazard class, and waste generation volumes, using various methods, get acquainted with the design and operation of equipment, used for recycling and recycling of waste for students of academic bachelor's degree of directions 05.03.06 "Ecology and Nature Management" and 18.03.02 "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical industry, petrochemistry and biotechnology" as the main educational literature. The publication can be useful for practical additional training and retraining of specialists in the field of waste management.


  • Kharlamova M. D. developed a system for selecting the optimal location for waste management facilities, including municipal solid waste landfills, based on multi-functional analysis and using GIS technologies (geo-information systems technologies).
  • Kharlamova M. D. studied the features of biochemical destruction of organic waste of human activity, animal and poultry waste, municipal waste water precipitation and proposed practical approaches to creating a comprehensive system of effective management of organic waste for the Moscow region, which allows using their resource and energy potential.
  • Kharlamova M. D. conducted research in the field of environmental protection biotechnologies. Developed biologics to accelerate the biodegradation of organic waste, reduce odors in landfills, farms, poultry farms, and also offered biologics for cleaning water bodies from blue-green algae.

Scientific interests

  • sustainable environmental management and circular economy
  • integrated waste management
  • mechanisms for biodegradation of organic waste
  • environmental protection biotechnologies
Selection of a suitable site for constructing a new landfill is one of the most challenging issues for town planners in developing countries. A study was conducted to locate the most suitable site for constructing a sanitary landfill in the city of Harare using Geospatial techniques and Multi-Criteria Evaluation. To identify appropriate landfill sites, nine input map layers including proximity to settlements/built up area, proximity to protected areas, proximity to airports, proximity to road and railway networks, surface water, slope, elevation and soil type were used for mapping, analysis and evaluation. Each criterion was identified and weighted using Analytic Hierarchy Process. A final map was generated which identified potential areas for the location of a landfill site. Results revealed that 1.31% of the total area of Harare was identified as mostly suitable, 24.73% as moderately suitable to suitable and 76.96% as unsuitable to construct a sanitary landfill. Six sites were identified as most suitable sites for a landfill. These selected sites require further geotechnical and hydrogeological analyses to identify the final site in the city to construct a sanitary landfill.
In order to determine the effects of uncontrolled disposal on residents, a study was carried out in Budiriro in Harare, Zimbabwe. The main objective was to assess the relationship between the spatial distribution of undesignated dumpsites and disease occurrence (cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery) in Wards 33 and 48 of Budiriro. The data used for the study was obtained through administering of questionnaires, use of GPS for locating disease incidences and waste dumps, interviews and observations. Point pattern analysis using the G-function and the K-function was employed in analyzing the spatial distribution of dumpsites and disease incidences. Correlation tests were done to test for the relationship between disease incidences and presence of dumpsites. The results show that there is a significant relationship (p<0.05) between disease incidences and presence of dumpsites. The results also show that diseases can occur in areas where dumpsites are not present as the diseases under study (cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery) are contagious.
The article discusses environmental issues that arise when municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are closed. Considering the data of soils state near the landfill site, the article also estimates potential danger of landfill gas components for the health of the population living near the landfills and MSW dumps as well as analyzes data of the state and degree of landfill substrate decomposition at the transfer station in the town of Vidnoye (Moscow region). The article provides a screening of species composition and activity of the main groups of microorganisms in the soil of the landfill and explores the prospects of using these microorganism communities for accelerated biodegradation of the dump’s body.
This article presents an analysis of the city of Kerch (Crimea Republic, Kerch Peninsula) in accordance with the local sustainable development indicators. The authors carried out the assessment of the existing environmental problems in the city which was necessary for the further development of the environmentally oriented infrastructure under various development scenarios. Due to the natural and economic factors, Kerch can develop both as an industrial and recreational centre of the peninsula. The analysis of the atmospheric air condition, use of water and energy resources and the waste management system was conducted. The presented results showed the presence of major environmental problems in almost all spheres.