Information about the defended postgraduate students

Olga Maslova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2017
Research topic: The expression of aggression in Russian and the British variant of English
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis deals with a complex description of phenomenon ‘aggression’, based on a comparative analysis of communicative norms of Russian and English behavior, on one hand, and lexical and semantic analysis of verbal means expressing aggression in the two mentioned linguistic cultures, on the other hand. The author also identified similarities and differences in estimations of the studied phenomenon, expressed by representatives of the Russian and British linguistic cultures. The results and material of the research can be used in teaching courses of the following disciplines: Practice of communication in a Foreign language, Speech culture, Intercultural communication, Lexicology, Cultural linguistics, Linguistics of a text, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Pragmalinguistics, Theory and Practice of translation; in writing course and diploma works.

Natalia Dvoryadkina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2017
Research topic: Linguo-didactic system to form communicative competence of cosmonauts (English language)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to the issues of teaching profession-oriented English language to cosmonauts trained at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center to complete the space flight program on board the International Space Station. The author elaborates the model to form profession-oriented communicative competence of cosmonauts at the English language lessons. The research proposes the ways for organization of cosmonauts’ language training process using the created electronic teaching and methodical complex. The efficiency of the elaborated teaching model has been corroborated. The results of the research may be successfully used during English language lessons and lectures at non-linguistic universities, in writing term papers, graduate works of bachelors and master’s theses, for developing teaching and methodical complexes for any foreign language training courses at non-linguistic universities.

Anna Pushkina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2015
Research topic: Teaching consecutive translation to students of linguistics department in the “second degree course” syllabus
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to the methods of teaching consecutive translation to students of linguistics department in the “Second degree course” syllabus. The thesis presents an analysis of the existing system of consecutive translation teaching and the specificity of training interpreters in the “Second degree course” syllabus, describes the structure of the interpreter competence, proves the reasonability of applying interactive forms in the educational process. The author elaborates the model to form a competent consecutive translator and reveals the ways to create and organize the electronic teaching and methodical complex for teaching consecutive translation to this group of students. The efficiency of the elaborated methods of teaching which provide for the interpreter competence formation while teaching students of linguistics department in the “Second degree course” syllabus has been corroborated. The materials and conclusions of the research may be successfully used at the English language lessons and lectures, in writing term-papers, graduate works and master's theses; for professional interpreters.

Fatima Akhmedova
Country: Tajikistan
Year of protection: 2013
Research topic: The Semantic Features of Verbal Idioms Denoting Feelings in Russian, English, and Tajik Languages
Annotation to the dissertation: The dissertation is devoted to highlight the results of contrastive research on exposure and description of the similar and distinctive semantic and stylistic features of the verbal idioms denoting feelings based on material of verbal idioms of Russian, English, and Tajik languages. In the process of work the general regularities of using of the verbal idioms denoting feelings by three languages native speakers are defined as well as specificity of applying them by native speakers is brought to light. Besides the lexical contents of Russian, English, and Tajik verbal idioms denoting feelings are analyzed, and the author suggests the research object classification of her own grounded on semantic and stylistic characteristics.

Natalia Naydenova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2013
Research topic: Linguistic Determinants of Postcolonial Literary Discourse of SubSaharan Africa (on the basis of the French and Spanish languages of Romance-speaking Africa)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis proposes methodology of comparative analysis of Romance languages used beyond their initial area through literary texts by identification and further comparison of extra- and intra-lingual determinants. Literary and essayistic works of African writers in French and Spanish are used as the basis for revealing mechanisms and impact factors of postcolonial discursive space evolution as well as describing linguistic strategies applied for text creation and specific features of intertextuality and chronotope. The research findings may be used in lectures on ethnostylistics, linguistic and cultural studies, intercultural communication, comparative lexicology. The methodology developed by the author may serve as the basis for research from a Pan-African perspective and for describing other discursive communities using Romance languages outside of the European continent.

Armenui Minasyan
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2012
Research topic: The Essex territory dialect of the British national variant of the English language
Annotation to the dissertation: The present thesis is intended to highlight the diversity of phonological, lexical and grammatical features of the Essex territory dialect in the UK caused by the reasons of historical, cultural and traditional peculiarities of the county. The results of the current research shall be included in the list of such theoretical courses as «theoretical grammar of the English language», «history of the English language», «cross-cultural communication», «dialectology»; it shall also be actively used on the practical classes of the English language; it can serve a good source of information in creating new educational materials; finally, the present paper shall be useful relating to the fields of translation and lexicography.

Luisa Gishkaeva
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2012
Research topic: Phraseologisms with the zoo- and phyto components in the pyrenean and mexican national variants of the modern spanish language
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis under consideration offers a comparative-linguoculturological analysis of phraseological units with zoonims and phytonyms in the Pyrenean and Mexican national variants of the modern Spanish language. The analysis of the functioning of phraseological units revealed their explicit national and cultural specific character, which reflects the uniqueness of the world’s lingual picture of Spanish and Mexican peoples. The materials and conclusions of the research may be successfully used at the Spanish language lessons, in lectures on cross-cultural lexicology and phraseology of Spanish, cross-cultural and intercultural communication, and also in compiling of defining phraseological units and linguoculturological dictionaries of Spanish.

Anna Beckeeva
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2012
Research topic: National and cultural language feature functioning in New Zealand English national variety
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis presents the study of English in New Zealand, with its status being defined in the thesis as New Zealand English national variety. The research represents an analysis of its national and cultural features at phonetic, lexical and grammar levels. The materials and conclusions of the research may be used in lectures on phonetics, lexicology and grammar of the English language, at the English lessons as well as in translation both interpreting and translation, in lexicographical practice. The material collected may be applied in academic courses on intercultural communications, linguistics of the text and psycholinguistics; in compiling manuals.

Svetlana Arkhipova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2011
Research topic: The features of Spanish television advertising texts (on the basis of Pyrenean national variant of Spanish)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis presents the study of the linguistic features of Spanish television advertising at the level of phonetics, lexicology, stylistics and grammar (morphology, syntax). Thus, an attempt of complex consideration of television advertising is undertaken. The materials and conclusions of the research may be used in lectures on theoretical phonetics, grammar, lexicology, functional stylistics, Spanish texts interpretation, at the Spanish language lessons as well as in translation activities. The results of the research may find application in advertising, and also in translating and adapting foreign commercials, carrying out linguistic examination.

Yelena Yemelianova
Country: Kazakhstan
Year of protection: 2011
Research topic: Linguo-Didactic System of Mcdia-Discoursive Competence Formation of Translation Students
Annotation to the dissertation: This thesis is dedicated to the methods of formation of media-discoursive competence of translation students. The thesis study examines the ways of formation of media-discoursive competence in the process of professional training of translators within the context of socio-cultural approach considering learner-centered focus of the modern language pedagogics and new concept of language education. The author gives linguo-didactic system of formation of media-discursive competence including the following components: desk studies, practical training, assessment and correction classes using test assignments in electronic form. The studies contain time-tested materials to be used as for lecturing and foreign language practical trainings as foreign language teachers professional upgrading. The materials and conclusions of the dissertation study may be applied for development of foreign language study manuals and syllabus in high school.

Yury Ermoshyn
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2010
Research topic: Teaching specialists in International Relations professional discourse (the genre of official public speeches)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to the teaching students of the faculties of International Relations producing and delivering official public speech in English. The professional actions and operations, integral to the process of producing and delivering official public speech in English have been determined. The cultural and communicative peculiarities of the representatives of different linguistic communities, subjects to international conferences have been characterized. The knowledge, skills and qualities a specialist in conference diplomacy must possess to produce efficiently and deliver successfully an official public speech in English in multicultural context have been defined. The methods of teaching forming a competent specialist in conference diplomacy have been elaborated. The efficiency of the elaborated methods of teaching providing for the formation of the skills in producing and delivering an official public speech in English in multicultural context has been corroborated. The results of the research can be used in teaching English for General and Specific Purposes, for further elaboration of manuals for teaching students of the faculties of International Relations and other specialists, subjects to international activities.

Vitaly Sibatrov
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2010
Research topic: The linguistic features of Spanish advertising radio texts
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis presents the study of the linguistic features of Spanish radio advertising at the level of phonetics, grammar (morphology, syntax), lexicology and stylistics. Thus, an attempt of complex consideration of radio advertising is undertaken. The materials and conclusions of the research may be used in lectures on theoretical grammar, lexicology, stylistics, at the Spanish language lessons as well as in translation activities. The material collected may be applied in academic courses on the culture of speech, intercultural communications, linguistics of the text and psycholinguistics, at compiling manuals. The results of the research may find application in advertising, and also in translating and adapting foreign commercials, carrying out linguistic examination.

Olga Shuntova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2010
Research topic: The linguistic competence forming on an intermediate level in Public Bilingual schools (based on the Spanish language)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is dedicated to the system of linguistic competence forming in Public Bilingual schools on an intermediate level of studying. The objective of the research is the possibilities of foreign language teaching based on cultural and individual approaches of modem language teaching techniques. The author made an attempt of educational strategies modeling which is intended for linguistic competence forming as a compound process. The practical value of the thesis is determined by the fact that its results and the collected materials can be used for the researches in compiling of language teaching materials and curriculums for Public Bilingual Russian — Spanish schools and at the first course of Higher Educational establishments. It also may be helpful for the teaching methodology lecturing.

Lilit Zakoyan
Country: Armenia
Year of protection: 2010
Research topic: Expression of aggression in Russian аnd English languages (оn the material оf American national variety оf the English language)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis deals with the study of expression of aggression оn the basis of аn extensive language material оn Russian and English languages. Тhе research rеveals lexico-semаntic means and features of verbal аnd nonverbal aggression expression in both languages. In this work the соntent оf the соnсерts containing the meaning оf «aggression» in language mind of Russians аnd Americans is revealed аs well, besides the lexico-semantic units nominating aggression in both languages have been picked out and classified. Results of the present research салn be used in theoretical аnd practical соurses of Lexicology of Russiаn and English languages and during Lexicographical аnd Translational activicies. The collected material саn bе used in соurses оn Speech culture, International communication, Lexicology, Linguokulturology, Linguistics of tехt, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics.

Svetlana Shevchenko
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2009
Research topic: Conceptual structure modern Civil Law terms systems in the English and Russian languages
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis deals with comparative study of modern Civil Law terms systems in the English and Russian languages to find out conceptual basics of the terms meanings, determining equivalents and their using in Law texts. The research is the complicated analysis of the Civil Law terms systems by means of cognitive linguistics methods. The result of the research could be applied in the theory and practice of translation, special courses in Law terminology, in English lessons for interpreters and Law students.

Natalya Mekeko
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2009
Research topic: The teaching of English language for the part-time students of oriented universities on the basis of the teaching computer programs
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to the methods in the teaching of foreign language for Specific Purposes for the part-time students of oriented universities. The thesis presents an analysis the existence system in the teaching of foreign language for the part-time students of oriented universities and the necessity of the new model in the teaching of foreign language for the part-time students using new technologies is grounded. The methods in the teaching English for the part-time students on the practice of introductory courses using teaching computer programs and teaching book are examined. The research proposes methods to the organization of the independence activity and the knowledge test. The thesis is founded upon a material being collected as a result of practical activity. The results of investigation may be used in teaching of foreign language for the part-time students of the faculty of law and economic.

Irma Kobylskaya
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2008
Research topic: The project methodology in teaching English language to students of engineering specialties on the basis of the electronic educational manual
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is dedicated to the problem of the use of the project methodology in teaching English language to students of engineering specialties on the basis of the electronic educational manual to form the communicative competence of future specialists It was demonstrated that professional-oriented discourse of future engineers is the mechanism of transmitting learning information of professional character The basic principals, structure and results of the use of the electronic educational manual, which basis is elaboration projects, were analysed The practical value of the research is determined by the possibility of the use of the results of the research as well as the materials collected can be considered as an information source for manuals, practical courses in teaching English in non-lingual colleges, in the system of improving qualification of teaching foreign languages

Natalia Alontseva
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2007
Research topic: Teaching international lawyers producing professionally oriented authentic texts
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis deals with teaching international lawyers producing professionally oriented authentic texts. The lexical and grammatical peculiarities of the official texts in Russian and English were fixed. The speech actions and operations, integral to the process of producing professionally oriented authentic texts were determined. The students' level of knowledge, skills, competence necessary for producing professionally oriented authentic texts was determined. The system of reproductive, productive-constructive and text-productive tasks forming the professionally communicative competence of international lawyers was worked out. The efficiency of the developed methods providing for the communicativeactivity approach, providing for the formation of the skills of producing professionally oriented authentic texts was corroborated.

Tatyana Ruzhentseva
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2005
Research topic: The application of new technologies in teaching English language to IT-students
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is dedicated to the problem of leaching English to IT-students on the basis of new information technologies to form the communicative competence of future specialists. The theory of discourse as the basic mechanism of transmitting learning information of professional character was worked out on the basis of suggested conception. It was suggested that the project methodology for creating and developing the complex of electronic educational material should be used. The basic principles, structure and elaboration results of components of the electronic textbooks complex were described and analysed in the investigation. The thesis is based upon the material collected as a result of scientific research. The results may be considered as an information source for textbooks, theoretical and practical courses in teaching English in non-lingual colleges.

Elena Antoniuk
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2007
Research topic: Spanish in the USA (Cuban Community of Miami, FL)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the Spanish language in the Cuban-American community of Miami, Florida. The status of this variaty of Spanish language is defined by us as Cuban territorial dialect of Spanish outside the country. The research represents an analysis of it’s features at phonetic, lexical and grammar levels. The practical value of the research is determined by the possibility of the use of results of the scientific work in special courses on dialectology and lexicology of the Spanish language; on theory of translation and interpreting practice.

Natalia Amekhina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2006
Research topic: Andalusian and leon dialects in the Pirenean national variant of the Spanish language
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis deals with the study of the Spanish language varieties in Andalusia and provinces of Leon, Zamora and Salamanca, with their status being defined in the thesis as Andalusian and Leon dialects in the Pirenean Spanish analysis of their features at phonetic, lexical and grammar levels; the dialect atlas has been compiled. The results of research as well as the materials collected can be applied while composing lecture courses on dialectology and lexicology of the Spanish; on theory of translation; in both interpreting and translating, and lexicography.

Irina Smirnova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2006
Research topic: The Spanish language in the Mexican State of Tabasco
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis deals with the study of the Spanish language in the Mexican State of Tabasco which status is defined as the dialect of the Mexican Spanish language. The research is the analysis of it’s features at phonetic, lexical and grammar levels; the dialect atlas has been made up. The results of the research as well as the collected material could be applied in the process of lecture courses in dialectology and lexicology of the the Spanish language; in translation theory; in translation and lexicographical practice.

Elena Karpina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2004
Research topic: Development dynamics of the analytical construction habia+Partichtio pasado and verbal -ra form, expressing Past in Spanish (based on a material of the old Spanish texts XI - XV of centuries)
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to an urgent problem of moderm linguistics, namely: to research in diachronic and comparative aspects of funictioning of the analytical construction habia + Participio pagado and verbal -ra form expressing Past Perfect in old Spanish language of XI-XV centuries with application of advanced achievement of grammatical and functional stylistics also is directed on revealing of rate of the use of the mentioned forms (method of statistical calculation); grammatical synonymy in a historical context of formed system, structure and norms of the Spanish language. Besides in the work the aspect of interrelation of language both culture and question of influence of stylistic features of language in prose and poetry is mentioned. The research brags a certain contribution to the further development of researches on theoretical grammar of the Spanish language, and also to the study of problems of the internal and extemal factors that influence on system formation and norm of the language. The practical value of the research is determined by the possibility of the use of results of the scientific work that can he used in special courses on history and historical grammar, theoretical courses on history of language, theoretical and practical grammar of Spanish language.

Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2013
Research topic:
Annotation to the dissertation: