Science should be pragmatically oriented. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense from a practical point of view.
Graduated from Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (diploma with honors).
Candidate thesis on “Stylistic use of antonyms” was defended. The degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences was awarded.
Lecturer, associate professor of the of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Preparatory Faculty of Peoples’ Friendship University named after P. Lumumba (now RUDN University).
The title of associate professor was awarded.
Internship on advanced training at the Department of Language and Linguistics at Georgetown University. (Washington, USA).
Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL), RUDN University.
Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Language of the Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University.
The lapel badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation” was awarded for developing the latest methods and methodologies for teaching foreign languages (English).
Headed the Preparatory Faculty of RUDN, successfully restructured it three times, opened 8 new departments.
Academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education Sciences.
The badge of honor “Veteran of the RUDN” was awarded.
The author's course of lectures for bachelor's programs in the field of study “Linguistics” in Russian and English:
- “Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language”;
- “Theoretical Grammar of the English Language”;
- “Lexicology of the English Language”;
- “Stylistics of the English Language”.
Developed educational programs for students of linguistic and non-linguistic universities and faculties in basic and second foreign languages:
- “Master Foreign Languages”;
- “The Applied Courses of the First and Second Foreign Languages” (Linguistics. Bachelor’s Degree Programs, 2014).
The author of the following course books and study guides:
- Sokolova N.L. Master Foreign Languages. English grammar in diagrams and tables Moscow: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2015 - 180 с.
This book describes the Author’s exclusive approach to the English Grammar. It is bound to be of special interest to those who study or teach this subject at schools, colleges, universities and other higher educational institutions. - Sokolova N.L. English Grammar: Alternative Approach. Guide to English Grammar.Москва: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 2016. - 218 с.
This book describes the Author’s exclusive approach to the English Grammar. It is bound to be of special interest to those who study or teach this subject at schools, colleges, universities and other higher educational institutions.
- Formulated the concept of the problems of speech etiquette in English. The conceptual approach reflects the high national linguistic traditions and contains its own creative innovations of an applied nature. To identify stable communication formulas or units of speech etiquette in dialogical speech based on the material of feature films of English and American production, N. L. Sokolova analyzed a total of 2,500 hours of spoken speech. After computer processing, she selected pure dialogs-models, checked their compliance with real conversational practice on informants and native speakers, and confirmed them with dictionary entries. These developments form the basis of the monograph “Structural and semantic foundations of English speech etiquette”, 2015.
- Formulated new multimedia technologies and innovative methods for teaching foreign languages, ESP - Teaching English for Specific Purposes, Blended Learning, E-Learning, Smart Learning Environment, for example, by using songs in English classes in inclusive education, etc.
Scientific interests
- speech etiquette
- linguistics and information technology
- methods of teaching foreign languages
- theory and practice of intercultural communication
Information about the defended postgraduate students
Galina Shulzhenko
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 1992
Research topic: “Request” and the accompanying it speech etiquette formulas (to the problem of the intentional meaning of speech etiquette units in the dialogical pragmatics)
Annotation to the dissertation:The paper deals with the scientific research of the speech etiquette formula “Request” and the accompanying it elements of the same system functioning within the frame of а dialogical unity. The analytical chapter is devoted to the pragmatic and semantic peculiarities of the speech etiquette formulas implementing request intention. The thesis represents intentional analysis of “request” explicating different variants of speech act aims. The results of the research can be applied to composing of lecture courses on lexicology, stylistics, intercultural communication, translation and translation studies. The material for practical research as well as the methods of analysis can be used at seminars devoted to different aspects of communicative linguistics and while practicing oral English speech at linguistic schools and high school departments.
Irina Ballod
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2008
Research topic: Antecedentless English Constructions as Expressive Means of Language and Speech.
Annotation to the dissertation: EThe major topic of the thesis encompasses a number of interdependent themes of syntax and discourse The descriptive and analytical chapters are devoted to the syntactic structure of antecedentless English constructions introduced by what or the combination «preposition+ what», their functional and semantic paradigms in the scientific prose, social-political texts and in the language of belles-lettres The research also represents the analysis of the ability of these constructions to create a special effect or feeling, that makes speeches, essays etc more emphatic and lively The results of the research can be applied to composing lecture courses on syntax, phraseology and styhstics of the English language. They also can be used at seminars devoted to improving the quality of speech synthesized for a variety of tasks that require not just the transmission of information, but also the expression of affect.
Elena Burina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Methods of projecting linguo-didactic environment to learn foreign language speech act (French as a second foreign language; language university)
Annotation to the dissertation:The thesis theoretically justifies, projects and develops scientific and methodical linguo-didactic environment for teaching speech communication in French as a second foreign language for graduate students of linguistic specialties and proves methods of use of its means, technologies, resources and tools. Linguo-didactic potential of the real language environment was identified and described. An environmental concept of learning a second foreign language (French) in a Russian university with the use of modern information and communication technologies was created. The list of modern teaching tools of the French language in Russian university was composed. Extrapolation of theoretical and practical achievements of linguo-didactic tests in French (DELF / DALF) was implemented in the training system of the second foreign language (French) to students of linguistic specialties. Methodical system, aimed at the formation of communicative abilities of bilingual students of linguistic specialties was formed. Educational-methodical complexes for learners of French as a second foreign language «Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language», «Foreign Language Speech Standards», «Business Communication Language» and «Speech Activity of Society» were developed, tested and put into practice. Educational materials that were created in the course of the study and addressed to Russian students of linguistic specialties can be used in the system of teaching of a second foreign language for non-philological audience.