Olga Mikhailova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor,

The creative person is the main goal of practical psychology of personal development.


Graduated from Gorky Omsk State Pedagogical Institute, speciality “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”.

1991 - 1998

Lecturer of disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle in Omsk pedagogical College No 3.


Candidate thesis on “Optimal combination of reproductive and problem-search methods in the structure of forms of organization of education” was defended. Specialty “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education”. The degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was awarded.

1998 - 2006

Associate professor of the Department of Social Psychology, deputy dean for educational work, head of the Department of General Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology, Dostoevsky Omsk State University.


The academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of Social Psychology was awarded.

2006 - present

Associate professor of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology of Philological Faculty RUDN University.

2008 - present

Member of Moscow Union of journalists.

2016 - present

Member of the Association Professors of Slavonic Countries, Bulgaria (APSS).

2017 - present

Member of the Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education (Serbia).


Reads the following courses of lectures to RUDN students of bachelor’s and master’s program of “Psychology” direction:

  • “Psychological service in the enterprise”.
  • “Practical technology of self-presentation”.
  • “Psychology of HR management”.
  • “Differential psychology”.
  • “Branches of psychology, psychological practice and psychological services”.
  • “Actual problems of theory and practice of modern psychology”.
  • “Practical psychology in the social sphere”.
  • “Workshop on psychological business consultation”.


  1. The author's definition and structural models of the innovation potential and innovativeness of the individual were formulated. It was defined that the main characteristics of the innovativeness of the individual are:
    • aspiration to understand and support new progressive ideas;
    • readiness for continuous training and development of new professional experience;
    • openness to experiment;
    • determination and perseverance;
    • vision of socially significant results from the introduction of the new;
    • aspiration towards constructive cooperation.
  2. Practical recommendations for the development of innovativeness of personality in high school and in organizational HR management were presented. The main directions of psychological support of students, necessary for the implementation of their activity, were defined:
    • Conditions and factors affecting the effectiveness of educational activities and emotional and psychological state of students were studied.
    • The dynamics of professional and personal development of graduates and alternative options for their professional development was revealed.
    • Emotional and creative and positive-adaptive factors in the educational process were identified: 1) the formation of confident behavior, creative thinking, tolerant attitude to others, willingness to make decisions and take responsibility, the ability to overcome difficult situations; 2) the development of skills to solve urgent problems and set adequate goals.
  3. “Multi-factor questionnaire of innovativeness of personality” (MQIP), which is used in research at the Department of Social and Differential Psychology RUDN University was developed. Approbation of the results and the methodology was conducted in secondary schools of Moscow and Moscow region, Moscow International Higher Business School (MIRBIS), National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA).

Scientific interests

  • Psychology of professional activity.
  • Economic psychology.
  • Psychology of innovations.
  • Developmental psychology. Acmeology.
  • Psychology of marketing and advertising.
  • Psychology of management and HR management.
The development of potential abilities and capabilities of the person in his/her adolescence is one of the important directions in the activities of contemporary psychologists-practitioners. A characteristic feature of this paper is the integration of psychological and pedagogical approaches to the analysis of the background foundations for the development of innovativeness and creativity in a personality in the educational environment of high school. The aim of the present work is to develop the technology of formation and realization of innovative potential of a personality basing on the empirical data. The study analyzed the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the peculiarities of the innovation and creativity manifested by 13-14 and 16-18 year old students. The study is based on the following methods: 1) Creativity test composed by N. V. Vishnyakova; 2) “Self-evaluation scale devoted to innovative qualities” by N. M. Lebedev, A. N. Tatarko; 3) the method of “Personal readiness for changes” developed by Canadian scientists Rodnik, Heather, Gold and Hal.
The paper analyzes the results of an empirical research obtained with the help of a sample of students. The research of persistence was carried out within the framework of the dispositional concept of personality traits and individuality by A. I. Krupnov. The techniques developed by A. I. Krupnov as well as the author’s test of persistence were used in the study. After allocating the levels of persistence, the features of self-realization were analyzed in each group of the respondents. The specificity of self-realization was revealed in the context of the author’s polysystemic concept, the author’s multidimensional questionnaire on personality’s self-realization (MQPSR) was used as a diagnostic tool. The empirical study revealed statistically significant differences in the specifics of self-realization of the students with different levels of persistence manifestation. The respondents with a high level of persistence realize themselves more successful in different spheres of life due to the obvious active behaviour, optimistic attitude, high motivation, creative methods and techniques of self-expression, internal self-regulation and constructive behavior. The students with low persistence lack successful self-realization because of passivity, pessimism, external locus of self-control, a high level of barriers and standard simple schemes of self-expression.
This article discusses the new diagnostic results and the basic directions of professional deformation prevention and correction in secondary school teachers. Method: The author’s theoretical and methodological analysis, has made it possible to assume that professional deformation is an integrated complex of numerous characteristics, namely: the type of profession, the level of emotional burnout severity, indicators of satisfaction with the profession, particular orientation and socio-psychological type of personality, as well as the manifestations of personality traits. Results: The results of the empirical study using qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of manifestation of latent and frustrational levels of professional deformation, which were based on the analysis of expressions of active and passive types of professional conduct, have shown that the identified characteristics have a significant influence on the manifestation of professional deformation and correspond to the intended level of the teachers’ deformations.