Stanislav Kudinov
Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Associate Professor ,

Science is an attempt to find the truth, and the truth appears in mistakes and delusions.


Graduated from the Shukshin Pedagogical State University of Biysk, Faculty of Psychology, speciality “Teacher-psychologist”.

2009 - 2014

Senior lecturer, from 2010 - associate professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology of Togliatti State University.


Candidate thesis on “Gender characteristics of the dynamics of sociability of the individual” was defended. Speciality “General psychology, history of psychology, psychology of personality”. The degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences was awarded.

2014 - 2017

Doctoral studies in the RUDN University.

2018 - present

Associate professor, Department of Social and Differential Psychology of Philological Faculty RUDN University.


The academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Differential Psychology RUDN University was awarded.

2018 - present

Member of the Association Professors of Slavonic Countries, Bulgaria (APSS).


Reads lectures to RUDN students of bachelor’s and master’s program in the field of “Psychology”:

  • “Psychodiagnostics”,
  • “Workshop on psychological diagnostics”,
  • “General psychological workshop”,
  • “Modern technologies in psychological diagnostics”,
  • “General Psychology”.

The author of the following study guides:

  1. “Psychodiagnostics of personality” (Kudinov, S. I. Kudinov, S. S., Moscow: RUDN, 2018, - 232p.)
    The study guide highlights the formation of psychodiagnostics as an independent branch of psychological science and practice. The modern classification of psychodiagnostics methods and procedures is presented. Questions of validation, reliability and standardization of psychological tests are studied. Methods of research of the person and individuality including author's ones are presented, practical aspects of their application are shown.
  2. “Regulatory documentation on final state certification 37.04.01 Psychology” (Kudinov, S. S., Kameneva, G. N., Kudinova. I. B. Moscow: RUDN, 2017, - 73 p. ISBN 978-5-209-08114-2)
    The study guide presents the basic requirements for the organization, the terms of the final state certification of graduates of master's program “Integrative technologies of practical psychology” direction 37.04.01 “Psychology”. The publication is intended for graduate students in writing, preparation and presentation of the final qualifying work, as well as for supervisors.
  3. “Active teaching methods” (Kudinov, S. I. Kudinov, S. S., Moscow: RUDN, 2017, - 172 p. ISBN 978-5-209-07443-4)
    The study guide contains the main traditional and innovative socio-psychological teaching methods aimed at schoolchildren and students. The authors cover in detail the game, discussion and training methods of teaching. The analysis of each of the proposed methods and a detailed algorithm for their implementation is given.


  • The complex methodological approach to the study of personality self-realization, taking into account physiological, psychological, social, pedagogical, psycho-environmental factors of successful self-realization was substantiated.
  • Form B of “Multidimensional questionnaire of personality self-realization” was developed. It allows to identify the actual level of individual self-realization, to analyze self-satisfaction in a time perspective, as well as to assess the difficulties and productivity of the process of self-realization.

Scientific interests

  • Personality self-realization of in cross-cultural environment;
  • Properties of personality and individuality;
  • Predictors and determinants of the self-realization of the subject of activity;
  • Gender, national, ethnic and individual-typological aspects of personality;
  • Psycho-pedagogical support of persons with disabilities;
  • Sports psychology.
Background. Our empirical research and analysis revealed characteristics of the axiological orientation of students’ personalities. Objective. We identified the principal types of orientation, dominant values, and attitudes of the personality in the motivational-needs sphere through a variety of validated and reliable techniques and methods. Design We understand the axiological orientation of the personality as a relatively stable set of values, motivations, needs, and moral structures produced through the lens of actions, in and through various spheres of social life, which describes complex system of a person’s perception of him-/herself, his or her perceptions of others, and his or her attitude towards work and other activities. Results. The results of the empirical research demonstrate that a set of axiological, motivational, and need characteristics form pragmatic-professional, social-communicative, or individual-egoistic types of axiological orientation of the personality, which in turn describe the subject’s attitude to the surrounding external reality and to him/herself. The pragmatic-professional type of person is dominated by values such as work, results, money, and process. The least attractive value to this type appears to be power. Respondents with a social-communicative type of axiological orientation have altruism, result and money as their main personal values. Values such as egocentrism, power, money, and freedom are a distinguishing mark of those with the individual-egoistic axiological orientation. Conclusion. Tis study also addresses how and through what patterns and mechanisms the axiological orientation of students’ personalities is expressed, which could enable professionals to develop educational programs aimed at harmonizing and aligning societal values and the individual’s attitudes.
The paper analyzes the results of an empirical research obtained with the help of a sample of students. The research of persistence was carried out within the framework of the dispositional concept of personality traits and individuality by A. I. Krupnov. The techniques developed by A. I. Krupnov as well as the author’s test of persistence were used in the study. After allocating the levels of persistence, the features of self-realization were analyzed in each group of the respondents. The specificity of self-realization was revealed in the context of the author’s polysystemic concept, the author’s multidimensional questionnaire on personality’s self-realization (MQPSR) was used as a diagnostic tool. The empirical study revealed statistically significant differences in the specifics of self-realization of the students with different levels of persistence manifestation. The respondents with a high level of persistence realize themselves more successfully in different spheres of life due to the obvious active behaviour, optimistic attitude, high motivation, creative methods and techniques of self-expression, internal self-regulation and constructive behavior. The students with low persistence lack successful self-realization because of passivity, pessimism, external locus of self-control, a high level of barriers and standard simple schemes of self-expression.