Graduated Department of History of V. I. Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MSPI) (MPSU at present), specialized in "History and Social Science". 

1984 - 1989

Worked as a teacher of History at Moscow secondary school No. 641. 

1989 - 1991

Junior lecturer at Department of Political History of XX century at I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. 


A post-graduate student of UDN named after P. Lumumba (RUDN at present) at Department of History of Peoples of USSR, in 1993 defended the thesis on the topic: "Historical concept of N. K. Mikhailovsky" for the degree of candidate of Historical Sciences in the specialty "Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research". 

1993 - present

Assistant, Associate Professor, and then-Professor of Department of History of Russia of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN.


Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor at Department of History of Russia of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN.


Defended the doctoral thesis on the topic " Formation of the doctrine of liberal socialism of N. K. Mikhailovsky "in the specialty "National History". 


Awarded the academic title of Professor at Department of History of Russia of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN.

2014 - present

The member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Narodniki in History of Russia", that is published at Voronezh State University (VSU).

2014 - present

Elected as Head of Department of History and Social and Economic Disciplines of Faculty of Russian language and General Educational Disciplines of RUDN.


  1. Blokhin V.V. reads the course "Russian History" for undergraduate students of RUDN University of the following specialities:
    • «Sociology»;
    • «Political Science»;
    • «State and Municipal Management»;
    • «Philosophy»;
    • «Arts and Humanities».
  2. Blokhin V.V. reads the following courses for undergraduate students of RUDN University specialized in History:
    • «History of post-reform Russia of second half of XIX century;
    • «Russia in the system of world civilizations»;
    • «History of Russian Culture of XVIII-XIX centuries».


  • Blokhin V.V. found the manuscript "Mikhailovsky and Dostoevsky" by the famous philologist of the early XX century V. A. Flerov at the Department of manuscripts of the Russian national library in St. Petersburg (or NLR). The source allowed us to review the literary and critical legacy of the" ruler of thoughts " of the intelligentsia, democrat N. K. Mikhailovsky. In the process of the research, Blokhin V.V. introduced a number of new sources that were previously unknown to the researchers of Narodism, which allowed him to prove that N. K. Mikhailovsky grossly distorted the work of F. M. Dostoevsky, and in a number of approaches he departed from the great traditions of literary criticism of N. A. Dobrolyubov. When studying the interaction of narodism with liberalism and conservatism, Blokhin V.V. concluded that the various ideological currents of social thought in Russia did not develop in isolation, but interacted and complemented each other.
  • Blokhin V.V. studied and concretized the concept of liberal narodism ("personalistic" socialism) in Russia, as well as established a set of socio-cultural factors for the formation of the "ethical-subjective" school of Russian sociology, its heuristic value, and determined the ideological relation between the populist concepts of progress, the theory of the struggle for individuality, and the doctrine of heroes and the crowd. According to the results of the study of the concept of liberal populism, he published three monographs, but the largest study was the conceptually new book " Gendarme of the literary republic. N. K. Mikhailovsky: life, literature, political struggle", which recreates the socio-psychological portrait of the" ruler of thoughts " of the Russian intelligentsia, N. K. Mikhailovsky. The paper analyzes for the first time the attitude of the leader of Russian democracy to the legacy of the "Russian idea", the work of I. S. Aksakov, K. N. Leontiev, and F. M. Dostoevsky.
  • Blokhin V.V. studied narodism democratic ideology and culture in order to identify the features of social thinking of the intelligentsia. As a result of researches, he found that in their attitude to reality, the intelligentsia inconsistently combined freedom and ideological intolerance, scientific criticism and social dogmatism. The intelligentsia perceived the people in a bookish and abstract way, out of the living tradition, which led to the" unbridling " of man, the formation of a destructive national element. Instead of a creative and constructive force,in 1917 it brought to the barricades  not creative popular forces, but a destructive crowd, exposing the illusory and utopian nature of its ideas.

Scientific interests

  • Problems of formation of radical thought in Russia in the second half of XIX century.
  • Reformist narodism of Russia, the ideological image of Russian intelligentsia.
  • Neo-narodism during Revolution of 1905-1907.
  • Problems of ideological interaction of narodism and liberalism in public thought of Russia in the second half of XIX century.
  • Ideological models of Russia modernization in the works of Russian thinkers of the second half of XIX century.
The article analyzes the socio-political concept and social activities of Nikolay Konstantinovich Mikhaylovsky, the theorist of reformist populism, editor of the magazine "Otechestvennye Zapiski" and "Russian wealth", sociologist and literary critic. The authors on the basis of the sociological heritage and legal journalism proves, that Mikhailovsky is the national leader of the democratic intelligentsia, such as his reformist populism was ideologically close to the liberal conception of the rule of man and the values of the political freedoms. The article shows that the struggle for political freedom and a constitution was a priority for Mikhailovsky, while the socialist aspects of his doctrine recede into the background. On the basis of unknown archival materials (Foundation of E. P. Letkova-Sultanova) authors prove a significant role of Mikhailovsky in the formation of the ideology of the party "Narodnaya Volya". The convergence of the populist thinker with a liberal opposition movement manifested in the fact of his cooperation with the party of the "People's rights" and participation in actions to protect freedom of expression at the beginning of the 1900-ies.