Vyacheslav Kazarenkov
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

The acquisition of the meaning of life by a person creates prerequisites for creative activity, professional success, mental and physical health, successful self-improvement and self-realization of the individual.

1967 - 1971

Graduated from the Rostov (Rostov-on-Don) State Pedagogical Institute, specialty “Physics”, qualification “Teacher of Physics”.

1971 - 1980

Teacher of Physics at schools N 17, N 16 and N 75 in Rostov-on-Don.


Candidate thesis on “Formation of interest in learning in extracurricular classes in the subject among low-performing school children” was defended. The degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was awarded.

1984 - 1991

Assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Rostov State Pedagogical Institute. 


A certificate of participation in the VDNH of the USSR was received for the demonstration of the book “Depends on adults: pedagogical conversations” (Rostov-on-Don: Rostisdat, 1987).

1991 - 1994

Doctoral student of the Institute of Theory and Methods of Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (since 1992 - Institute of Personal Development of the Russian Academy of Education).

1994 - 1995

Associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Institute of retraining and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel at the Russian Academy of Education (since 1995 - University of the Russian Academy of Education (University of RAE)).


Doctoral thesis on “Relationship of regular and extra-curricular activities in the integrated educational process” was defended. The degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences was awarded.

1995 - 1997

Professor, and from 1996 - head of the Department of Pedagogy of the University of RAE.


Dean of the Institute of retraining and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the University of RAE.

1997 - 2000

Professor of the General University Department of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MCPU).

1997 - 2015

Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council 19.00.13 in “Developmental Psychology, Acmeology (Psychological Sciences)” at the Institute of Education Management of RAE.

1998 - 2001

Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council 22.00.08 in “Sociology of Management” at MCPU.

1998 - 2005

Member of the Dissertation Council at the Belarusian State University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).


The academic title of Professor at the Department of Pedagogy of the University of RAE was awarded. Academician of the International Pedagogical Academy (IPA).

1999 - 2002

Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Councils 13.00.01 (General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education (Pedagogical Sciences) and 13.00.08 (Theory and Methodology of Professional Education (Pedagogical Sciences) at the Institute of Personal Development of RAE.

2000 - 2001

Chief researcher of the Institute of Education Management of RAE.

2001 - 2019

Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council D 212.203.22 (Psychology, Pedagogy) at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University).

2001 - present

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of RUDN University. Since 2004 (after the reorganization of the Department) - professor of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology of RUDN University. Chairman of the editorial board of interuniversity collections of scientific papers “Problems of modern education” and “Problems of modern higher education” (RUDN). Chairman of the organizing committee of the annual international scientific and practical conferences “Higher education: experience, problems, prospects”.

2008 - present

Academician of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (IHEAS).

2009 - present

Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council D 008.014.01 (19.00.01-General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology (Psychological Sciences); 19.00.07 – Pedagogical Psychology (Psychological Sciences) at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology, Social Relations of MCPU; member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology, Social Relations of MCPU.


The certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for effective research and teaching activities was awarded.


The honorary title “Veteran of labor of the Russian Federation” for the high quality of professional activity and 39-year teaching experience was awarded.

2011 - present

Member of the editorial board of the journal “System Psychology and Sociology” of MCPU.

2012 - present

Member of the RUDN Commission for certification of scientific activities of departments of social and humanitarian profile.

2013 - present

Member of the editorial boards of the journal “Vestnik of the Belarusian State University. Series: Journalism. Pedagogy” (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) and “Vestnik of Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov” (Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus).

2014 - present

Member of the Expert Council of the Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF).

2015 - present

Member of the Expert Council of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). In the same year, he became a member of the Philosophical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Belarusian Society of Psychologists.

2016 - present

Member of the editorial board of the journal “Higher Technical Education” of the Belarusian State Technological University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus). In the same year, he became a member of the Russian Society of Sociologists.


The certificate of Merit of the RUDN rectorate was awarded for many years of holding annual scientific and practical conferences "Higher education: experience, problems, prospects” as the chairman of the organizing committee.


The diploma of the winner of the III All-Russian competition for the best scientific and educational publication “ACADEMUS” was awarded. In the same year, he became a member of the editorial boards of the journal “Vestnik of Lomonosov Moscow State University: series “Pedagogical education” and “Vestnik of the Mari State University” (Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation).


Gives courses to RUDN students of bachelor’s and master’s programs, direction “Psychology”:

  • Psychology of meaning acquisition.
  • General Psychology-level 2 “Imagination. Thinking. Speech”.
  • General Psychology-level 3 “Emotions. Motives. Volition”.
  • Political Psychology.
  • Psychology and Pedagogy.
  • Psychology of stress.
  • Art of human interaction.
  • Psychology and Pedagogy of higher education.

Gives a course of lectures “School of stress management” to students of the RUDN programs of additional professional education.

The author of a monograph and study guides:

  1. Kazarenkov V. Basics of pedagogy: integration of regular and extra-curricular activities of schoolchildren. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. - Moscow: Logos, 2003: PPC VINITI. - p. 95.
    The search for means and ways of interrelation of various types of educational work revealed the need to create and use an effective theory of integration of regular and extra-curricular activities of schoolchildren. The author developed and implemented in school practice conceptual provisions that provide a variable relationship between different types and forms of regular and extracurricular activities of teenagers and high school students. The theoretical and methodological bases of integration of these classes disclosed in the manual allow the teacher to make a scientifically based choice of optimal forms of organization of school and extracurricular activities of students, stimulate their creative activity and amateur activity, and the need for self-improvement.
  2. Kazarenkov V. I. Psychological and pedagogical bases of organization of extracurricular classes for school students in academic subjects; Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. - Moscow: RUDN, 2011. - p. 172.
    The study guide reveals current and significant issues of organization of extracurricular activities for teenagers and high school students in academic subjects. The theoretical and methodological basis for the preparation and conduct of extracurricular work, especially the relationship of this work with the time limit; a discussion of ways and means of attracting employees of extracurricular institutions and parents of students in joint extracurricular activities with adolescents and high school students. The book contains the program of the special course “Extracurricular classes for students in academic subjects”. It is addressed to students of higher education institutions, as well as teachers of schools and institutions of additional education, employees of public education bodies.
  3. Kazarenkov V. I., Kazarenkova T. B. University education: extracurricular activities of students in academic subjects / / Moscow: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia., 2014. - p. 167.
    The monograph reveals current and significant issues of organization of extracurricular activities of students in academic subjects. The theoretical and methodological foundations of preparing and conducting extracurricular work, the features of the relationship of this work with the classroom are presented; the possibilities of using extracurricular activities to form students’ interest in intercultural interaction are revealed. The publication is addressed to professors of higher education and additional education, graduate students.
  4. Kazarenkov V. I. Fundamentals of organization of extracurricular classes for school students in academic subjects. 2 ed. Moscow: L.L.C. “INFRA-M Research and publishing center” (Moscow), 2019.
    The book describes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of extracurricular activities for adolescent and high school students in academic subjects. The ways and means of attracting employees of extracurricular institutions, higher school scientists and parents of students to joint extracurricular activities with students are considered. The programs of the special training course and the course of additional education are presented. It is addressed to students and teachers of higher and secondary professional educational institutions, teachers of general education institutions and institutions of additional education, employees of public education bodies.


  • Developed a technology for integrating school and extracurricular education, as well as regular and extra-curricular activities for students. With the help of system analysis developed a model of socio-pedagogical school system-adult education: presented various options for the establishment of integrative regular and extra-curricular activities based on the allocation of intra-subject and inter-subject (intra-type and inter-type) relationship between learning objects and described the basics of successful cooperation of schools with universities and institutions of additional education.
  • Developed the basis for the formation of educational motivation of low-performing students, due to their involvement in extracurricular activities in academic disciplines.
  • Developed technologies for self-regulation of emotional states of the individual; identified opportunities for intensifying the development of human methods of prevention of psycho-emotional states.
  • Developed separate technologies for interpersonal and intercultural interaction - in particular, created a model for the gradual deployment of the process of human interaction with representatives of other cultures and described its main technologies.

Scientific interests

  • Self-improvement of the individual.
  • Finding the meaning of life by a person.
  • Creativity in life and professional activity.
  • Self-education of students.
  • Self-regulation of mental states.
  • Motivation of human activity.
  • Intercultural interaction.
  • Management of social and pedagogical systems.
The paper outlines the research on educational processes aimed at forming risk-oriented consciousness in students as an essential component of life safety culture. Risk-oriented consciousness formation in students attending a technical university is advisable in view of them getting ready for future professional activities and its advisability is the core idea of all the work done. The paper contains an authors' interpretation of "risk-oriented consciousness of students attending a technical university" concept. To achieve the research goal, the authors applied a design technique. As a result, an educational technology for forming risk-oriented consciousness in students was developed. The authors also highlight obvious prospects and necessity to get further insights into the problem under consideration.
In recent years e-learning systems, intelligent simulators, intelligent learning systems are often used in the system of higher and secondary education. Depending on the individual psycho-physiological characteristics of a student the system will give tasks of one or another degree of complexity. The higher and more precisely the individual characteristics of the student will be evaluated, the better the quality of organization of student's education will be. Consequently, the diagnosis of the psycho physiological characteristics of students is an important component for the construction of individual educational paths. The article describes new author's methods of determining the psycho physiological characteristics of students based on techniques with the use of the augmented reality tools, in particular: method for determining the time of perception of visual information; method for determining the excitation time of a human visual analyzer; method for determining the time of inertia of the human visual system. The article also describes the author's method of determining the individual typological characteristics, working capacity and fatigue of the student. The introduction of these methods into the educational process allows building the model of the student much more accurately, thereby allowing forming individual educational paths more qualitatively.
Distance education is one of the effective forms of continuing vocational education and training of adults, which is aimed at meeting their educational needs in lifelong learning. Distance learning introduces new specific requirements to both educators with regard to their competence and the learner. One of the key actors who ensure the effectiveness of the system of distance education is a tutor. Here, a special study has been conducted aimed at studying the readiness of university educators to teach via distance learning, and identifying the attitude of adult learners to distance learning. The study was aimed at identifying students’ awareness of the activities of a tutor and studying their opinion on the activities of the tutor. We have also developed a training program aimed at preparing university educators to be tutors. Great importance is given to the readiness of an educator to perform tutoring activities (psychological, subject-specific, and technical).
Building the joint area of higher education in Europe within the framework of the Bologna process, other processes of integration and national self-determination have shown the need to create a new model of university education and rethink the role of the educator in it. The isolation of professors and students, which presented in the most part of the twentieth century, was to a certain extent a brake on development, which required shaping new relations in the educational environment. In this connection, as a target could be offered formation of conditions for the upbringing of a modern self-sufficient personality, who clear understands the national level achievements and their contribution to the world development, possesses the ability to think critically, to work in a team, to respect different opinions and values. Joint activity of the teachers and students in the educational process, research work and other activities is the method of achieving this goal.