Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University (now Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, KNU - Ukraine).


Candidate thesis on “Dialectical-materialistic analysis of the essence of revolutions in natural science” was defended. The degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences was awarded.  

1975 - 1978

Senior lecturer of the Department of Dialectical Materialism, Faculty of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University (Ukraine).

1978 - 1991

Senior lecturer, then associate professor of the Department of Philosophy of Peoples’ Friendship University (now - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, RUDN University).

1981 - 1984

Was sent to Afghanistan, participated in the creation of a system of social and humanitarian education, taught Philosophy at Kabul University.


Doctoral thesis on “Dialectics of revolutionary processes in cognition” was defended. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy was awarded.


The title of Professor was awarded.

1991 - present

Professor at the Department of Philosophy of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (now - Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, RUDN University).

1992 - 2017

Head of the Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, RUDN University.

2017 - present

Professor of the Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, RUDN University.


Gave courses of lectures to students and postgraduate students for more than 50 years of pedagogical activity:

  • “Ontology. The nature of philosophical knowledge”,
  • “The structure of the scientific revolution”,
  • “The logic of scientific discovery”,
  • “Methods of scientific knowledge”,
  • “Philosophical problems of natural science”,
  • “Philosophy of mythology”,
  • “Concepts of modern natural science”,
  • “Science and quasi-scientific forms of culture”,
  • “Philosophy of Law”,
  • “History and philosophy of science”,
  • “Ontological foundations of civilization”, etc.

The author of course books, study guides and monographs:

  1. Naydysh V. M. Mythology: Course book. - Moscow. KNORUS. 2017. - 431 p.
    The book presented to the reader tells the history of the study of myth-making from antiquity to the present day, modern problems of the science of myth. A wide panorama of spiritual searches, creative ventures, difficult, sometimes tragic fates of ideas in the field of comprehension of the essence of myth is given. Along with the questions of the theory of myth-making, the problems of cultural history, epistemology, linguistics, folklore studies, literary theory, ethnography, evolutionary epistemology, psychology, etc. are studied.
    For students and postgraduate students studying the history of culture, the history of journalism, cultural studies, linguistics, history and theory of literature, philosophy, psychology, religious studies.
  2. Naydysh V. M. The Power of Mystery: Essays on the Philosophy of Mythology. Monograph. - Moscow. Alfa-M. 2014. - 285 p.
    The monograph analyzes the essence and structure of mystery as a special form of spiritual culture, the historical evolution of mystery-making from antiquity to the present day. Mystery is the borderline between man and the world, being and non-being. On the edges of the ultimate meaning of human and natural mystery is also associated with the problems of specific sciences. The book reveals the ontology, “archeology” and epistemology of the mystery. Against the historical background, the nature of mysticism and the forms of its cultural and historical translation, the “field of possibilities” of cognitive sciences, philosophical aspects of brain activity, the genesis of language, etc. are studied.
  3. Naydysh V. M. Concepts of modern Natural Science: Course book. - 4th ed., reprinted and expanded - Moscow. KnoRus. 2020. - 360 p.
    The course book reveals the history of natural science and the main elements of the modern natural science picture of the world, worldview and methodological ideas that are being formed in our era in the depths of natural science. The fourth edition takes into account the latest achievements in physics, molecular biology, genetic engineering, and astronomy. It corresponds to the latest generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. A new generation course book is intended for university students studying humanities, as well as postgraduate students and applicants taking an exam in the history and philosophy of science.
  4. Naydysh V. M., Naydysh O. V. Civilization and rationality. Essays on the Philosophy of Mythology. Monograph. - Moscow. RUSAINS. 2020. - 286 p.
    The monograph studies the socio-philosophical and epistemological aspects of the civilizational approach. The monograph analyzes the philosophical foundations of modeling the historical process, the concept of civilization of XIX - beginning XXI centuries, the role of rationalism and myth-making in the life of civilization, the laws of the genesis of thinking, the processes of rationalization and derationalization of culture, the nature of the archetypes of culture, the formation of rationalism in the cultures of the Ancient East, the concepts of barbarism and neo-barbarism, etc. The authors study civilization as an ethno-socio-cultural community and civilization as a form of social organization formed as a result of the “Neolithic revolution”, as well as topical issues of geopolitics, philosophy of history, ethnology, ethnopsychology, biosemiotics, chronobiology, etc.
    The book is intended for a wide audience. For specialists in the social and humanitarian fields of knowledge, students studying courses in philosophy, sociology, cultural history, graduate students preparing for the candidate’s minimum exams in the history and philosophy of science, for anyone interested in the problems of philosophy of history, epistemology, cultural history, geopolitics, social forecasting, etc.


  • Developed a theoretical model of the structure of revolutionary processes in science. On its basis, he reconstructed the logic of the development of scientific revolutions in physics, astronomy, and biology, identified the historical types of methodological attitudes of knowledge in these branches of science, and the patterns of change in the natural-science worldview.
  • Identified the interaction of the cognitive and value functionals of consciousness as the fundamental relationship of consciousness, and analyzed the historical types of the relationship between the cognitive and value functionals of consciousness. This allowed us to clarify the structure of the main historical types of consciousness - ancient, medieval, New European (Modern) and postmodern consciousness.
  • Developed the categorical apparatus of the philosophy of mythology. He created the epistemological concept of myth-making as a cultural universal, the basis of which is the structural laws of transition (in ontogenesis and phylogeny) from the visual-figurative to the abstract-conceptual way of generalizing the object. This allowed us to deepen the understanding of the phenomena of neo-myth-making, the methodology of their expert assessments.
  • As a special form of neo-myth-making, he singled out quasi-science and such a variety of it as quasi-scientific mythology, the content of which is fundamentally not interpreted, focused on the reflection of not subject-object, but subject-subject relations (reproduction of the values of interpersonal communication, mass communications, in ideological, artistic and figurative creativity, etc.). He showed that quasi-scientific mythology is a form of modern folklore consciousness.
  • Developed the operational concept of the genesis of thinking, in which the process of thinking acts as an interaction of figurative-operand and operational levels of the cognitive functional of consciousness.
  • Developed the concept of proto-science as a natural moment in the historical formation of the rational-conceptual formation of knowledge, which made it possible to formulate theoretical and methodological principles for the analysis of the oldest science, to present in more detail the process of the development of rational knowledge in ancient civilizations.
  • Deepened the concept of the “archetype of culture”. He identified the concepts of “ethnic” and “civilizational” archetypes. He developed the concept of the archetypal foundations of civilization, which clarifies new aspects of ethno-genesis, in particular the rational aspects of L. N. Gumilyov’s theory of ethno-genesis.
  • Clarified the existential foundations of secret creation. He developed the concept of mystery as a motivational form of consciousness.
  • Showed the deep connection between civilization and rationality. He identified the concepts of post-civilization and secondary barbarism.

Scientific interests

  • Philosophical problems of natural science.
  • Classical and non-classical epistemologies.
  • Historical patterns of cognitive activity.
  • Myth as a form of consciousness.
  • Main and deviant lines in the dynamics of culture.
  • Quasi-scientific forms of culture.
  • Philosophical analysis of the foundations of civilization.
  • Anthropological crisis as an object of scientific and philosophical research.