"In scientific research, you can’t stop at what has been achieved."
Studied at the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Department of Theoretical Physics, specialty - “Physicist”.
Postgraduate student of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Department of Theoretical Physics, in 1965 thesis on “Problems of stability in nonlinear field theory” for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the specialty “Theoretical Physics” was defended.
Assistant of the Department of Theoretical Physics at Peoples’ Friendship University named after P. Lumumba (now RUDN University).
Associate professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of Peoples’ Friendship University named after P. Lumumba (now RUDN University). From 1994 - Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of RUDN University.
Thesis on “Stability of multidimensional solitons” for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the specialty “Theoretical Physics” was defended at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna).
Honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” was awarded by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of priority areas of science and technology.
Honorary badge “Veteran of the RUDN” for many years of conscientious work was awarded.
Professor at the Research Institute of Physics and Technology of RUDN University.
Gives lectures to physics students of the RUDN University:
- “Group theory”;
- “Classical and quantum field theory”;
- “Foundations of quantum chromodynamics”;
- “String theory”;
- “Mathematical methods in physics”.
The author of monographs and study guides:
- Rybakov Yu.P. “Foundations of Quantum Electrodynamics, Chromodynamics and String Theory”. - M.: RUDN, 2014. - 112 pp.
The course outlines the basic principles of quantum electrodynamics and chromodynamics needed to describe the electromagnetic and strong interactions of elementary particles.
https://search.rsl.ru/ru/record/01007853068 - Makhankov V.G., Rybakov Y.P., Sanyuk V.I. “The Skyrme Model. Fundamentals, Methods, Applications”. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2013. - 260 pp.
This reference book is the first to present the amazing depth and inherent beauty of the Skyrme model approach, which strongly influenced progress in nonlinear mathematical physics. After an evaluation of the model as given in Skyrme’s pioneering papers, a thorough overview of the problems is presented that will also serve as an introduction to both researchers and advanced undergraduate students specializing in high energy physics.
- Obtained a generalization of the Hobart-Derrick theorem on the energy instability of stationary non-topological solitons for a space dimension greater than two.
- Found sufficient Q-stability conditions for multicharged stationary solitons for any regular Lagrangian model with a compact inner group.
- Proved the existence, smoothness, and absolute stability of a spherically symmetric soliton solution with a unit topological charge for the SU(2) chiral Skyrme model (including taking into account the non - Abelian gauge field). In the case of solitons with higher topological charges, the existence of a stable axially symmetric configuration that implements the minimum energy was proved.
- Proved the existence of stable axially symmetric solitons with a nontrivial Hopf index, and also established the existence of string-like solutions approximating them for the S2 nonlinear Faddeev sigma-model.
- Established the global stability of monotonic electron energy distributions and the instability of nonmonotonic distributions for the equilibrium Bernstein-Green-Kruskal configurations in the Vlasov-Poisson plasma.
- Found a necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of Wheeler wormholes in nonlinear electrodynamics.
- Constructed a 16-spinor implementation of Skyrme-Faddeev chiral model and, based on the Brioschi identity, gave a classification of topological solitons in the lepton and baryon sectors.
- Constructed a spinor implementation of the chiral graphene model and established the anisotropy of the magnetic properties of monolayer and bilayer graphene.
- Studied the magnetic and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes in the framework of the chiral graphene model.
Scientific interests
- Stability of multidimensional solitons;
- Nonlinear field theory;
- Theory of gravity;
- Condensed matter physics;
- Graphene-like states;
- Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes;
- Filtration theory (hydrodynamics of flows in porous media);