Graduated from Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute (now Moscow State Pedagogical University, MPSU), with a degree “Geography teacher”.

1975 - 1980

Junior researcher at the all- Union research laboratory for tourism and excursions of Central Council for tourism and excursions. 

1980 - 1989

Scientific secretary of Scientific and Technical Council of Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the all-Union Central Council of trade unions (AUCCTU).


Defended the thesis on “Territorial problems of formation and development of the tourist and excursion service system in the USSR” for the degree of candidate of geographical sciences.

1989 - 1992

Head of the all-Union research laboratory for tourism and excursions. 

1992 - 2008

Head of the sector of tourist and recreational forms of using the heritage of  Likhachev Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage of Ministry of Culture of RF and RAS. 

2003 - present

Head of the Department of tourism and hotel business at Moscow State University for the Humanities (MosSU).


Defended the thesis on the topic “Formation and development of state policy in the field of tourism in the Russian Federation in 1991-2009” for the degree of Doctor of historical sciences in specialty 07.00.02 – “Russian history”.

2013 - present

Head of the center for socio-cultural and tourist programs of Likhachev Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage.

2018 - present

Professor of Department of “Tourism and hotel business” of Institute of Hotel business and Tourism of RUDN.


Yu.S. Putrik gives lectures to undergraduate and graduate students of RUDN:

  • “Cultural heritage in tourism industry”;
  • “Legal support of tourist activities”;
  • “History of tourism”;
  • “Geography”;
  • “Geography of tourism”;
  • “Standardization and certification in tourism”;
  • “Tourist and recreational design”.

The author of the course books and study guides:

  • History of tourism: Coursebook for academic bachelor course / G. P. Dolzhenko, Yu. S. Putrik, A. I. Cherenkova. - 2nd ed., reprint. and add. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. - 227 p. — (Series: Bachelor. Academic course).
    The educational publication presents the history of the development of tourist and excursion business in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern Russia through the prism of the activities of voluntary societies and state organizational structures engaged in tourism. A new author's periodization of the history of Russian tourism is given.
  • Educational tourism in Russia: study guide for bachelors and masters. / Yu. S. Putrik, V. S. Novikov, S. Yu. Zhitenev, A. P. Solovyov, I. A. Drogov, S. K. Gubenko.; edited by S. Yu. Zhitenev. - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2018. - 198 p. — (Series: Bachelor and master. Academic course).
    The textbook is devoted to the development of educational tourism in Russia. The authors consider the history of the issue, foreign and international practice of educational tourism. A separate Chapter is devoted to legal regulation in this industry, and recommendations are also given for improving the system of educational tourism in the Russian Federation. The publication is accompanied by a bibliographic apparatus and appendices.
  • Russian encyclopedia dictionary "Tourism". / Livtsov V. A., Nikolaev E. M., Novikov V. S., Putrik Yu. S.; Ed. Zhitenev S. Yu. - M.: Institute of Heritage, 2018. - 492 p.
    Russian encyclopedia dictionary "Tourism" contains 3115 articles and definitions of terms that represent the tourist sphere in all its diversity. The title of each article or term has an English translation. The encyclopedic dictionary is a branch scientific reference publication containing a professional review of issues in the field of tourism in the form of a dictionary. The Encyclopedia includes vocabulary used in practical tourism activities, as well as used in legal documents, business correspondence and negotiations. The encyclopedia contains brief information about the legendary military and trade routes that previous generations of people traveled in ancient times. Historical terms related to traveling and biographies of famous scientists and prominent figures in the field of Russian tourism are also presented. The encyclopedia is intended primarily for those who have sufficient internal motivation and a real need to study and develop tourism, as well as for teachers and students of specialized universities.
  • History of tourism: textbook / team of authors; ed. and comp. Yu. S. Putrik-M.: Federal Agency for tourism, 2014. - 256 p.
    The textbook "History of tourism" sets out the basics of the educational course on the history of tourism, reveals the content and meaning of the main periods of origin, formation and development of tourist activities in the context of the world history of human civilization from the ancient and medieval periods to the present day. Considerable attention is paid to the development of tourism in Russia.


  • Created a series of tourist-themed maps: "Recreational resources", "Recreational zoning", "Educational tourism and excursions", etc. The maps are published in National Atlas of Russia (Volumes 2, 3 and 4; M. Roskartografiya, 2007 - 2009).
  • Developed and implemented guidelines for the formation of regional tourism development programs in the Russian Federation (2006).

Scientific interests

  • Measuring the cultural and historical potential of the Russian Federation.
  • The use of objects of cultural and natural heritage in tourism.