Student Research Council
Your assistants in the world of science at RUDN University. What do they do.
Agrarian and Technological Institute

Do you want to learn about physical and chemical methods of interaction of plant material with the environment, advanced diagnostics, new research techniques, phytopathogenic organisms and methods of controlling them? Are you interested in methods of application of mathematical modeling of urban ecosystems or manned aircraft in cadastral research? Then the student research clubs of the Agrarian-Technological Institute look forward to welcoming you!
What are we doing:
- We develop:
- Phytopathogenic fungi samples for further assessment and research, risk analysis and control methods,
- Callus plant cultures,
- Mathematical models and projects of landscape structures and ecosystems,
- Projects for the use of remote land sensing in the cadastral assessment, recommendations for advanced methods of diagnosing animal diseases.
- We analyze the latest studies of the research areas, both international and domestic, possible ways of developing and using farming technologies, application of improved methods of mathematical analysis in the design of urban ecosystems;
- We carry out design and survey and topographic and geodetic works, and hold training seminars and master classes for students.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Hajikurbanov Anvar Shikhragimovich
8 (495) 787-38-03, ext. 1891
Room 320, block 2, 8 Miklukho-Maklaya st.
Faculty of Science

Do you want to learn more about math and computer modeling, functional spaces, and electromagnetic radiation? Are you interested in IT systems and networks, and artificial intelligence issues? Student research clubs of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences are looking forward to welcoming you!
What are we doing:
- We create new materials and biologically active substances, develop energy-saving technology and cleaner energy sources.
- We participate in scientific and professional competitions and Olympiads, in scholarship programs by foreign organizations: DAAD (Germany), N+I (France) and ERASMUS (EU).
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Ekaterina Borisovna Markova
Assistant Professor, Cand. Sc. Chemistry
Tel. 8 (495) 955-08-13, ext. 3813
3 Ordzhonikidze St., office 108, Moscow
Institute of Environmental Engineering

Are you concerned about what our planet ‘breathes’ with? Do you want to go on a real expedition, see how complex and remarkably harmonious nature is, and learn how animals communicate and what plants could help clean up oil spills? Are you ready to take action to preserve and build up the bounties of the world around us? Let’s study the science of our common home - planet Earth - together!
What research are the students of the Ecological Faculty engaged in?
What are we doing:
- We research on:
- natural systems of Russia and the world;
- urban ecosystems and the influence of environmental factors on humans;
- means to improve human adaptation;
- populations of diverse animal and plant species, how they interact with each other and the environment;
- human influence on natural ecosystems;
- technology-related risks and issues of technosphere safety;
- waste and waste management system.
- We elaborate recommendations to restore natural and urban ecosystems, recover threatened animal and plant species. We design waste management systems and build technology for their disposal.
- We explore the world around us: we go on expeditions, observe animals, take samples of materials – air, water, soil, plants, mushrooms. As a result, we can give accurate description of the processes occurring in wildlife and inorganic nature.
- We conduct research, guided tours, workshops, expeditions. Our students meet expert environmentalists of various fields, from research institutes to environmental consultancy.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Tatiana Nikolaevna Ledashcheva
Tel.: 8 (495) 952-89-01 (ext. 3423)
8 Podolskoe highway, building 5, office 322
Institute of Medicine

Research activity is characteristic of all students of the RUDN Institute of Medicine. For this reason, student research association (SRA) "Students in science" was created.
Most of the Departments of the RUDN Institute of Medicine have their own student research clubs (SRC) for active students who want to learn something new in the field of medicine. You can take part in the research carried out by the faculty, do some research and write a scientific article. There are many directions for everyone to choose from!
What research are the students of the Institute of Medicine engaged in?
- They learn how to recognize and treat illnesses and injuries. They learn how to communicate competently with patients, identify their needs and suffering.
- They study general medical and special clinical disciplines, psychology and personality.
- They hone skills in the prevention and treatment of diseases, maintaining the normal functioning of the human body.
- They study medications and modern methods of treatment.
- They analyze diseases: we work and practice in hospitals and clinics, conduct patient observations, and collect medical history. As a result, we can accurately describe the processes that take place in the human body.
- They conduct research work, excursions, master classes, scientific meetings. Our students meet with professional doctors engaged in various branches of medicine.
- They participate in the organization and conduct of scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, round tables, facilitate the participation of students in interuniversity and international scientific, scientific and practical conferences, as well as competitions and exhibitions.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Titarov Dmitry Leonidovich
Associate Professor of the Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy Department named after I.D. Kirpatovsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences
8 (495) 433-50-22, ext. 1991
Miklukho-Maklaya st., 8, Moscow, room 231
Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology

We are looking forward to welcoming you in the professional student society and the student research clubs of the Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology.
What research activities are the IBCTN students engaged in?
- We explore innovative technologies and nanotechnologies in medicine, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology; biopharmaceutical and biochemical technologies; principles of organization and management of pharmaceutical production.
- We analyze quality control methods in the production of biopharmaceutical products, as well as advances in pharmaceutical technology to create new pharmaceutical dose forms (including those using nanotechnology).
- We create pharmaceutical dose forms using nanoparticles based on biologically active substances of plant origin; diagnostic kits for early diagnosis to detect markers (antigens, antibodies) of infectious and autoimmune diseases in humans, mammals and birds; alternative fuels based on coal and liquid organic waste.
- We explore nanoscale structures and nano-objects; we study non-destructive express methods to determine the heavy elements content in pharmaceuticals and analytical samples.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Zhilkina Vera Yurievna
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor
+ 7 (499) 936-86-25, ext. 23-17
Room P-15, block 2, 22 Miklukho-Maklaya st.
Faculty of Philology

If you want to know everything about visual communications, traditional media and applied linguistics or you are interested in literature, the theory of journalism and media processes, the student research clubs of the Faculty of Philology are waiting for you!
- We will teach you how to create digital texts, conduct surveys and interviews for sociolinguistic projects and psycholinguistic research.
- We will create thesauri of neologisms, occasionalisms and potential words, and explore creative urban and commercial urbanonyms.
- We will analyze the life paths and works of literary authors, show the specifics of the aesthetic systems of literary trends, and much more.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Zhilkina Vera Yurievna
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor
8 - (495) 434-20-12 (ext. 1264)
room 633, block 2, 10 Miklukho-Maklaya st.
Institute of Foreign Languages

Are you interested in the culture of the countries of your target language? Do you want to know what modern techniques are used in learning foreign languages and how to put them into daily practice? The Institute of Foreign Languages invites you to join student research groups.
What research activities are the IFL students engaged in?
- We research on:
- Topical issues of the theory and practice of mastering a foreign language, psychology, studies of foreign regions.
- Innovative foreign language teaching techniques.
- Application of artificial intelligence and information technologies at foreign language classes.
- We develop innovative IT and AI-based foreign language teaching techniques and bring our teaching developments into practice.
- We have collaborative engagements with the world’s leading universities specializing in age psychology and social pedagogy, and explore traditional Russian family patterns, as well as challenges of adaptation of RUDN’s foreign students.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Taisiya Igorevna Larkina
Teaching and Methodology Specialist at the RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages
+7 (495) 434-71-60
7 Miklukho-Maklaya St., (academic building # 4)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

If you want to learn more about current issues of international relations, regions of the world, as well as areas of state and municipal administration, art, philosophy and sociology, the student research clubs of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are looking forward to welcoming you!
- We analyze the international situation and conflicts in various parts of the world, actions of policy makers and philosophers in a historical context, and social research results.
- We hold lectures, conferences, round tables, interactive sessions and role-playing in various areas.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Nikita Sergeevich Kuklin
Teaching assistant at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of FHSS
8 (499) 936-85-26, ext. 25-26
10 Miklukho-Maklaya St., building 2, office 302
Law Institute

Do you want to learn about the peculiarities of law of Russia and foreign countries, its theory and history? Are you thinking about a legal career? Are you ready to understand the specifics of customs regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union? Then student research clubs of the Law Institute are looking forward to welcoming you.
- We will help you master legal terminology and knowledge in the field of intercultural communication in law.
- We will give you the opportunity to participate in model litigation.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Nikitina Valentina Sergeevna
Main building of RUDN University, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6, room 443
Academy of Engineering

Are you ready to try your hand at genetic programming? Do you want to do research in robotics and nanotechnology? Are you interested in geoinformation systems or innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and instrumentation? Do you want to deepen your knowledge in geology, mining, and oil and gas sectors, to learn the methods of industrial innovation management, to acquire the necessary professional skills in the construction industry and architectural design?
Student Design Bureau (SDB) “Think Different” of the Academy of Engineering will be your opportunity to develop creativity for your professional career! It brings together all research clubs and professional communities established for students at the Engineering Academy.
- We conduct research and hone professional competencies in the laboratories of the Academy of Engineering.
- We analyze the latest technologies in the areas of our research, how to implement and effectively use them, how to manage innovation in various industries.
- We promote the practical implementation of the results of student research.
- We provide advisory assistance to the students of the Academy of Engineering, and coordinate the activities of the student research associations of the Academy of Engineering that are part of the student design bureau “Think different”.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Sergey Alekseevich Kupreev
Doctor of Engineering, Associate Professor
+7 (495) 955-09-61, ext. 3961
3 Ordzhonikidze St., office 434
Faculty of Economics

Do you want to create business plans and development strategies for virtual and real-life Russian and international companies? Do you want to learn all about models for improving the efficiency of individual economic entities and entire industries? Do you want to know how to introduce innovative technologies in production? Do you want to promote a finished product and develop programs for promoting brands, territories and firms in an increasingly competitive and rapidly changing market? Then student research clubs of the Faculty of Economics are looking forward to welcoming you!
- We research on:
- particular features of the social and economic development of Russian regions and foreign countries;
- structural shifts in the world commodity markets for industrial and agricultural products;
- factors affecting pricing in various sectors of the national and world economy;
- competitiveness, financial stability and development trends of national and transnational companies in the context of increasing uncertainty in the global economy.
- We analyze:
- spatial patterns of economic and political development;
- trade and economic cooperation between countries of the world and international production factor markets;
- methodological and practical problems in the field of public finance, money circulation and credit, and insurance activities;
- economic security of enterprises and firms and determine their financial strategy;
- strategies for promoting commercial and social projects in national and global industry markets.
Faculty contact responsible for research:
Mizerovskaya Ulyana Viktorovna
8 (495) 787-38-03, ext. 2478
Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, room 26
Student research club "Language and culture of the target language country"
We teach how to translate specialized texts of scientific and popular science articles. Classes are held for students of languages, as well as anyone interested in the cultures of other nations. The club meets 1-3 times a month to plan and analyze its activities.
Agrarian and Technological Institute
Student research club "Operative surgery"
We teach surgical operations: separating tissues, stopping bleeding, suturing, working on internal organs and limb bones of animals. The club meets 1-3 times a month to plan and analyze its activities.
Agrarian and Technological Institute
Student research club "Earth Sciences"
An association of students actively engaged in scientific research and discussions of innovations related to cadastral and geodetic works. Every year, students visit exhibitions, and actively participate in international conferences on innovative processes in agriculture. Based on the results of the conferences, student works are published in the RUDN journal. The club meets 1-3 times a month to plan and analyze its activities.
Group director
Poddubsky Anton Alexandrovich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Science
Agrarian and Technological Institute
Student research club "Agrochemistry"
We study organic and mineral fertilizers and methods of their application in rotary cycles. Every year, the student research club team actively participates in scientific conferences with reports on results of their research and makes trips for practical testing at the experimental fields of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The club meets 1-3 times a month to plan and analyze its activities.
Group director
Lyashko Marina Ustimovna
Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Agrarian and Technological Institute
Student research club in Stress Physiology
We are engaged in neurobiology, experimental rhinology, and we also study the effects of stress on the central nervous system. We work with animals: 1. We study and assess behavioral responses. 2. Examining heart rate variability. 3. We study the morphology of the brain (hippocampus region). We cooperate with the Higher Nervous Activity Department of Moscow State University. Meetings are held once a month.
Group director
Kastyro Igor Vladimirovich
Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Institute of Medicine