Environmental monitoring of the campus

Environmental monitoring of the campus

In 2017, for the first time, RUDN University launched a project on assessing the environmental situation on the campus and around the university. Local schemes were obtained to control the quality of the environment and the level of contamination. The objective information about the ecological condition of the territory helps in taking measures for its well-being.

Environmental monitoring takes place all year round

The information about the level of air pollution, the geochemical status of soils, noise, electromagnetic fields and vegetationis collected and analyzed.

This gives an objective assessment of the man-caused load and enables to timely correct the actions to keep the green zone of the campus in a safe condition.

maps of territory contamination
points of RUDN campus
snow samples
soil samples
vegetation samples
3 000
air measurements

Profiles of pollution distribution from the main roads and along "cross-sections" on the campus territory were compiled; air was analyzed for nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, soot, benz(a)pyrene, carbon monoxide. Noise intensity, EMF and radiation levels were measured. Information from the cameras installed in neighboring streets was processed to estimate actual volumes of vehicle emissions depending on the intensity.

Ecological maps were compiled:

Sum of concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the snow cover

Карта СО

Concentration of soot in the snow cover

Concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in the snow cover

Background radiation level

Concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere

Concentration of hydrogen sulphide in the atmosphere

Схема мониторинга территории

Noise levels

Растительность и ее экологическое состояние

The scheme of functional zoning of the campus and adjacent territories of RUDN University includes as follows:

Business and social-active zone:

  • Administrative zone: sports area, administrative and educational buildings;
  • Transport zone: parking zone, transit zone;

Natural, residential and recreational area:

  • Residential and recreational area, including the service area;
  • Green Zone of RUDN University;

Reference site.