2 282 publications
2 503 citations
2013 - 2017
Web of Science
1 914 publications
1 765 citations
Subject Areas
  • 35.9 % Other
  • 21.1 % Medicine
  • 18.3 % Mathematics
  • 17.1 % Chemistry
  • 14.2 % Physics and Astronomy
  • 10.8 % Engineering
  • 7.3 % Material science
  • 9.5 % Computer science
  • 9.5 % Biochemistry
  • 0 % Social science
  • 9.9 % Social science
Subject Areas
15 Research Labs under recognized scientists from leading universities and research centers

Research Areas:

  • Mathematic models of thermonuclear fusion control and disease dynamics;
  • Infectious and parasitic diseases;
  • Synthesis new effective drugs for the treatment of oncological and neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • Targeted drug delivery;
  • Metabolom technologies;
  • 5G network modeling;
  • Cosmology, Spacecraft Operations.
3 RUDN journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases
28 Ph.D. programs in English
4 joint Ph.D. programs with leading universities
18 joint LLL programs with leading universities
2165 international trainees


Russian languages centers based on universities abroad


Subject-specific classes (in natural, technological and social sciences, economics and humanities) based on universities abroad


Olympiads for international prospective students

International cooperation
154 Hosted countries
75 Programs of cooperation with the top-400 universities
96 Double diploma programs with foreign universities
700 Over 700 students and Ph.D. students participating in academic exchanges


Membership in 21 international educational organizations


Academic mobility programs with leading universities - over 500 RUDN teachers and researchers


lead scientists from abroad gave plenary reports in RUDN University


Co-authorship publications with international scientists (2013-2017): Scopus - 607


Co-authorship publications with international scientists (2013-2017): WoS – 456