Attracting talented students and postgraduate students

Attracting talented students and postgraduate students

The purpose of this strategic initiative is to significantly improve the level of students and postgraduates (both Russian and foreign) through targeted work with applicants and the use of various tools to stimulate and support.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 2020:

  • The average mark of the Unified State Exam of University students accepted for full-time education at the expense of the Federal budget for bachelor’s and specialist’s programs - 82.55 points;
  • Conducting schools for entering the master course of RUDN, conducted by the faculties and educational institutions of RUDN during the reporting period - 16;
  • The share of Russian graduates of other universities enrolled in master's, postgraduate and residency programs - 30%;
  • The share of students in master’s programs and training of research and educational personnel in postgraduate school with a bachelor's degree, a specialist's degree or a master's degree of other organizations, the total number of students in master's programs and training of research and educational personnel in graduate school - 30%;
  • The share of full-time students and supported young researchers - 25%;
  • The share of foreign graduates of other universities enrolled in master's, postgraduate and residency programs (including CIS) - 30%;
  • The share of foreign students enrolled in the main educational programs of the University (including students from the CIS countries) - 40.0;
  • The number of regional clusters - 11;
  • The number of exhibitions in which the University took part - 10;
  • The number of the taught programs - 3;
  • The number of organized social and cultural events - 135;
  • The number of developed and conducted trainings on adaptation for foreign students - 10;
  • The number of Further education programs implemented on adaptation of foreign students for representatives of other higher institutions - 1;
  • The number of Russian students participating in volunteer programs - 170;
  • The number of participants of the international employers’ club, including international / the number of events of the international employers’ club - 500 / 5;
  • The number of seminars, special courses developed and conducted by employers / the number of students who participated in such events - 80 / 2 000;
  • The share of foreign students who have an internship abroad and/or in foreign companies of the Russian Federation - 20%;
  • Number of reports / proportion of graduates of the current year, the respondents / percentage of graduates of the current year in the newsletter of the questionnaire - 1 / not less than 85% / 90%;
  • The number of students and postgraduates participating in academic exchanges with foreign universities (people per year) - 1000.
Results for the period

Development of the system attracting the best Russian students and graduates to enter the RUDN in the priority areas of training bachelors, specialists, as well as on master's, postgraduate and residency programs of the RUDN

On May 17, 2018 at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russian an annual competition of school projects of humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science, medical, biological and technical profiles for senior class pupils and institutions of Moscow and the Moscow region “Science begins at school” was held. The competition was attended by 187 people.

Development of the system attracting the best Russian students and graduates to enter the RUDN in the priority areas of training bachelors, specialists, as well as on master's, postgraduate and residency programs of the RUDN

On February 28, 2018, a webinar conference “I am a successful teacher! We form the criteria of success”.

The event was attended by teachers of secondary schools, teachers of vocational schools, Deputy Directors for upbringing, scientific and educational and methodological work, psychologists and practitioners engaged in research in the field of work with students at all levels of education.

The head of the School of Pedagogical Arts, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, academician of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (IHEAS), academician of the International Pedagogical Academy (MPA) Vyacheslav Ilyich Kazarenkov was the coordinator of the conference-webinar.

The conference-webinar was organized in full-time and remote form: those who wish to participate personally in communication with the academician gathered in the multimedia audience of the center of multidisciplinary pre-University education “Unikum” (the Faculty of Russian language and General Educational Disciplines of the RUDN); the rest of the students joined the scientific and methodological event via the Internet with the help of a special service for webinars “Mirapolis Virtual Room”.

Technologies of remote communication, worked out in the RUDN on the basis of “Unikum”, allowed all participants to hear and see each other, ask and answer questions.

Despite the fact that some participants first encountered this form of conference, during the webinar they were able to get used to the features of online communication. Many appreciated the convenience of this form of scientific and methodological contact, noting that today even schools of towns and villages of the Moscow region are technically very well equipped.

The record of the webinar conference is freely available on the website of the project “Specialized classes of the RUDN University”.

Development of the system attracting the best Russian students and graduates to enter the RUDN in the priority areas of training bachelors, specialists, as well as on master's, postgraduate and residency programs of the RUDN

Specialized subjects in secondary education are gaining popularity. Students have the opportunity to plunge into the University environment and choose their future specialization, while still at school.  In 2018, professors of specialized faculties of the RUDN conducted classes in 30 specialized classes of schools in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation.

The training was conducted in advanced courses focused on the specifics of University areas of study. They can increase the motivation of students and increase their interest in a particular area. In addition, specialized subjects contribute to the determination of the professional orientation of the child.

In order to control the acquired knowledge final certification of students was held. Analysis of the results of the final certification showed that the vast majority of students in specialized classes (95%) successfully mastered the proposed educational programs.


  • an increase in the average Unified State Exam mark by 2.98, mark 82.46 in 2018;
  • an increase in the number of winners and prize-winners of competitions (1st year, bachelor’ program) - 106 enrollees.

Development of the system attracting the best Russian students and graduates to enter the RUDN in the priority areas of training bachelors, specialists, as well as on master's, postgraduate and residency programs of the RUDN

The school for entering the master's program is a unique platform where young professionals can immerse themselves in the professional environment, get necessary knowledge for admission, share experiences and continue their development in a certain area. In 2018, 8 schools were held for those entering the master's program of RUDN at the academic and scientific bases of the Agrarian and Technological Institute, the Institute of Foreign Languages, the Institute of World Economy and Business, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Philological Faculty, the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Ecological faculty.