Data processing center of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (DPC)
At present time, most experts on advanced technologies agree that humanity has entered the period of the fourth global industrial revolution.
The first industrial revolution was associated with the mechanization of production, the second - with the use of electricity and pipelines, the third - with electronics and automatization, and the fourth is based on the achievements in the field of the Internet of things, communications, machine learning, industrial and household robots, as well as the development of new models and scenarios of social relations, including the personalization of production and logistics, decentralized identity and settlement system based on block chain technology, BigData, smart cities and a new paradigm of education based on information technology.
Data processing center is a complete interconnected system consisting of engineering infrastructure, software and hardware systems (servers, storage systems, service and computer networks, which provides data exchange via high-speed internal communication channels). As a rule, the data processing center is located in a specialized room.
For the operation of high-performance equipment that makes up the IT-infrastructure of the data processing center, a number of technological engineering systems were created in the 24x7x365 mode to provide:
- organization of optimal climatic conditions for its operation;
- compliance with fire safety requirements with the presence of early fire detection systems and gas fire extinguishing systems on a safe carrier;
- establishment of control and security means, excluding the possibility of uncontrolled entry or stay of unauthorized persons;
- power supply of data processing center equipment from uninterruptible power supply sources;
- autonomous power supply of data processing center from two DGS, in case of an urban-scale accident;
- the use of server and network equipment, which provides backup power systems.
The main node of the IT-infrastructure of the RUDN data processing center is a supercomputer, which provides for the consolidation of computing resources from standard and relatively small nodes and involves the construction of a high-performance computing (HPC) to solve problems that require significant computing resources. Problems of this kind are solved by the method of parallel calculations, in which any single process is performed independently of the results of other processes.
The deployed cluster allows to perform high-performance parallel calculations in the following industries: oil and gas, geophysics, aviation and space, biochemistry and pharmaceuticals, construction, energy and others. For example, it is worth noting that in 2018, a number of projects were implemented in the geophysical industry.