Education Partnerships
Education Partnerships
RUDN University is the leader in international cooperation on higher education issues having 150 joint educational programs and dual-degree programs, 250 partnership agreements, active positions SCO, CIS and BRICS network universities and research projects with colleagues from all over the world. RUDN University is open to the world and the world is open to RUDN!
Main areas:
- Joint educational programs: dual-degree programs and inclusive education.
- Accreditation of educational programs by international agencies and associations.
- PhD English-taught programs.
- Russian language and pre-university training centers.
- International subject Olympics.
- Cooperation in the frame of Network universities.
- Academic mobility programs.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Direction of cooperation:
Start of cooperation :
Joint educational programme: master's programme in "Economics. International trade", "Management. International Management ","Philology. Russian Language and Literature", "International Relations. World Politics", "Law. International Law" within the Networking University of the CIS.
Direction of cooperation:
Joint educational programme: master's programme in "Economics. International trade", "Management. International Management ","Philology. Russian Language and Literature", "International Relations. World Politics", "Law. International Law" within the Networking University of the CIS.
Carleton University

Direction of cooperation:
Direction of cooperation:
Joint educational programme: Master's degree programme in Political Science.
Complutense University of Madrid

Direction of cooperation:
Direction of cooperation:
It is the largest state research institution and is considered one of the most prestigious academic institutions.
Joint master’s programme in International Relations.
Institute of Political Sciences, Sciences PO Bordeaux

Direction of cooperation:
Direction of cooperation:
Joint master’s programme in Political Science (the programme of double diplomas).
Jinan University

Direction of cooperation:
Direction of cooperation:
Joint educational bachelor's degree programme in "Foreign Regional Studies".

Direction of cooperation:
Start of cooperation :
edX is the leading global online learning platform from 2U. The edX community consists of more than 40 million students. edX offers not only online courses and credential programs, but also full-fledged online degrees.
Direction of cooperation:
edX is the leading global online learning platform from 2U. The edX community consists of more than 40 million students. edX offers not only online courses and credential programs, but also full-fledged online degrees.
Shandong University

Direction of cooperation:
Direction of cooperation:
Joint educational Master's programme in "Political Science. Political Problems of the Globalizing World "(the programme of double diplomas).
Universite Grenoble Alpes (UGA)

Direction of cooperation:
Direction of cooperation:
Joint master’s programme in Political Science (the programme of double diplomas).
University of Bolonia

Direction of cooperation:
Direction of cooperation:
Joint educational programme: bachelor's degree programme in Philology .
University of Palermo

Direction of cooperation:
QS401-450 medicine
Start of cooperation :
Joint educational programme: bachelor's degree programme in “Philology”, "Ecology" and master’s degree programme in Political Science, joint educational master's programme in “Ecology: Sustainable Development and Environmental Safety” (a programme of double diplomas).
Direction of cooperation:
Joint educational programme: bachelor's degree programme in “Philology”, "Ecology" and master’s degree programme in Political Science, joint educational master's programme in “Ecology: Sustainable Development and Environmental Safety” (a programme of double diplomas).