All-Russian Research Institute of Environmental Protection (Federal state budgetary institution)

The history of the institute began on March 28, 1952, when a preserve commission was organized under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since then, one of the main tasks of the institute has been the comprehensive conservation of the natural environment.
Practical training sessions for the Ecological Faculty students are held there annually (Ecology and Nature Management direction, etc.) In addition, on November 16, 2019 the Department of Forensic Ecology with a course in human ecology (RUDN Ecological Faculty) gave a lecture on “Practical Application of Forensic Ecological Expertise” for the students studying in the field of "Ecology and nature management", "Energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemicals and biotechnology." The lecture was held with the participation of representatives of the All-Russian Research Institute of Environmental Protection (All-Russian Research Institute of Ecology). The purpose of the lecture was to familiarize students with the practical issues of organizing and conducting a forensic environmental examination.