Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the oldest scientific archive of Russia. Created almost simultaneously with the Academy, it like a mirror reflects all the stages of formation, achievements and changes in the history of science. Institutionally, academic science has always stood apart and was organizationally separated from the university and industry, which was a characteristic feature of its development in our country, especially in Soviet times. The "headquarters of Soviet science," as they often called The Academy concentrated its efforts on the development of basic research, which were then used by applied areas and human practice. True scientific knowledge itself, as you know, knows no boundaries, it is multifaceted and international. Outstanding discoveries and achievements belong to all of humanity and nourish any scientific community, wherever they are located geographically, and no matter how organizationally isolated they are. Therefore, a succession of ideas and discoveries is the main content of any scientific archive, including the Archive of the Academy of Sciences.
Cooperation has been ongoing since the current (2019). In 2019, a number of students of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of PFUR underwent practical training in the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where they learned the basic principles of working with archival sources.