Children's Dental Clinic No. 44 of the Moscow City Health Department

All types of dental care services to children from birth to 18 y.o.
Since 2008, internship “Assistant children’s dentist” for 5th-year students of RUDN Medical Institute majoring in Dentistry.
The students of 5th course in faculty of Dentistry of People’s Friendship University of Russia have passed a practice as an assistant dentist for pediatrics. During the practice, strictly observed the rules of health facilities, got acquainted with the work of a pediatric dentist, safety, basic principles, ethics and deontology, tools and medicine necessary to work. The students observed modes of asepsis and antisepsis conditions, assisted with administration of anesthesia and treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis of the temporary and permanent teeth. Mastered methods of silvering fluoridation, non-invasive/invasive methods of fissure sealing. The students actively participated in the sanitary and educational work in the form of interviews with patients. The students have been polite and paid more attentions to patients according to principles, ethics, deontology and, respectively communicated with colleagues, showed their ability to work and act purposefully. All the work was carried out within this period of time aimed to acquire new skills and knowledge.