Council of Municipalities of Moscow region (Association)

Representation of the common interests of municipalities of Moscow region; organization of interaction of local government bodies.
In 2018, a 5-year Cooperation Agreement was concluded. In 2019, two students successfully underwent practice and were employed by the organization.
The Association “Council of Municipalities of the Moscow Region” is a non-profit organization created by municipalities of the Moscow Region. The Council of Municipalities of the Moscow Region represents the common interests of the municipalities of the Moscow Region and organizes the interaction of local authorities with each other.
At the moment, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has close partnership with the Council of municipalities in organizing internships for students of the Department of Municipal Law. The RUDN University has cooperation agreement with the Council of Municipalities of the Moscow Region, which was signed on 19 of December 2018, No. 0090-01-15 / 1007.
During partnership, the masters of the department of municipal law made their internship in Council, where they familiarize themselves with the work of the organization and, most importantly, with municipal acts and with comments on them. In the future, internship contribute to the writing actual master's thesis. In 2019, Masters of the second year of study Bochkovskaya Sofia Rostislavovna and Koptseva Diana Andreeva, had their internship in Council.
Members of the Council of Municipalities of the Moscow Region hold the scientific seminars on the basis of the Department of Municipal Law. For today, Council organized 3 scientific seminars and open lecture on topical issues of the theory of practice of municipal law and self-government activity, and also, about inter-municipal cooperation.
The Council of Municipalities of the Moscow Region plans to continue cooperation and partnership with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in organizing internships and further employment for graduates.