Exotic Time (tourist agency «Dive-n-photo»)

“Exotic Time” is a travel company that organizes exotic tours in 35 countries. 20 years of experience in tourism, 17 years of experience in diving. “Exotic Time” is one of the top-4 best and largest diving tourism companies in Russia. “Exotic Time” is the official dealer in the Russian Federation of the following companies: Fleet Aggressor - Aggressor Fleet (USA), Golden Dolphin Fleet (Egypt), Sea Serpent Fleet (Egypt), Seawolf Fleet (Egypt), Emperor Divers Fleet (Egypt), etc.
“Exotic Time” is a partner of the RUDN University under the 5-100 Program. Since 2016. the company has been cooperating in the sphere of tourism, professional training and employment of the students of the Hotel Business and Tourism Institute of the RUDN University.
Areas of cooperation:
- Holding master classes and practical training sessions for students.
- Organization of training practices and internships.
- Selection of personnel from among graduates for employment.
- Initiation of projects with Russian companies.
- Conducting joint activities.