
FinExpertiza LLC is the first Russian audit and consulting network to join the Forum of Firms, an association that unites the largest international audit networks. Membership in this association of professionals from the global audit market requires consistent application of audit practice standards recognized worldwide and support for the convergence of national standards with International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
The Law Institute has been cooperating with “Finexpertiza” LC since 2017. Experts and an employee of the company are constantly participating in Open Days organized by RUDN University.
The international audit company FinExpertiza supports the efforts of the Russian peoples ' friendship University to further strengthen its educational and research potential at the level of world standards.
To date, our company employs 3 graduates of the RUDN. They have achieved significant success in their professional activities and make a significant contribution to the success of our company. Their successful work has shown that the quality of professional training and the level of knowledge obtained meet the qualification requirements necessary for effective work. They demonstrate good knowledge of the current legislation and are able to apply them in practice, possess computer literacy skills, business communication and official letters and documents, have the necessary qualities in their field of activity, the ability to quickly switch to new areas of work, while performing the assigned work in good faith, accurately, efficiently and on time, and systematically improve their professional level.
We wish the University to keep the bar for training specialists at the same high level, both professional and personal.