FSUE "Scientific and Technical Center for Radiation and Chemical Safety and Hygiene" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FSUE STC RKHBG FMBA of RUSSIA)
FSUE "Scientific and Technical Center for Radiation and Chemical Safety and Hygiene" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FSUE STC RKHBG FMBA of RUSSIA)
FSUE "Scientific and Technical Center for Radiation and Chemical Safety and Hygiene" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FSUE STC RKHBG FMBA of RUSSIA)
Short description:
The main areas of scientific activity of FSUE STC RCHBG FMBA of Russia are:
- development and implementation of a scientifically sound and socially justified methodology for reducing radiation and chemical hazards to the population and the environment.
- implementation of scientific and methodological support, as well as scientific and technical and chemical-analytical support of work on radiation, chemical safety and hygiene.
History of cooperation:
The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.