
Short description:
PJSC Gazprom is a global energy company. The main areas of activity are exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.
History of cooperation:
- Cooperation agreements with companies until 2022:
- Gazprom Geotechnology
- OOO Gazprom Design
- PJSC Mosenergo
- Students of the Engineering Academy, departments of Economics and Ecology, Institutes of Hospitality and Tourism and Agrarian and Technology undergo internships in the branches of GAZPROM
- In December 2018, a master class was held by O. Kirichenko, Director of the Center for Financial Analysis,of NIIgazekonomika LLC for bachelors and masters of Economics. Following the meeting, 4 students of the Department of Economics were accepted for an internship.
- Cooperation began within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics) in connection with the opening of the department "Management of a Digital Enterprise in the Fuel and Energy Complex"
- Scientific and practical seminar “Restorative nature management and environmental safety” for young specialists of Gazprom subsidiaries. On May 17–20, 2016, at the Department of Ecology of the RUDN University, a scientific and practical seminar “Restorative nature management and environmental safety” was held for young specialists of PJSC subsidiaries. The seminar was aimed at stimulating the development of scientific thinking, motivation for scientific and technical creativity, attracting young workers and specialists.