
LLC «Gidrospetsproekt» was founded in 1956.
Gidrospetsproekt is a unique special design institute, which has decades of experience and an efficient skill and knowledge for development of projects. Institute exists more than 55 years, which indicates significant experience.
Cooperation Agreement No. 0090-01-15/52 28/01/2016 for 5 years.
The management of the special design and survey institute of the «Gidrospetsproekt» expresses its sincere gratitude to you and the Department of Civil Engineering of the Engineering Academy for the high professionalism and competence in the training of specialists in the field of Hydraulic Engineering.
For more than 20 years, LTD «SDSI Gidrospetsproekt» and the Peoples' friendship University of Russia have been cooperating in the field of practical training for students in order to consolidate their theoretical knowledge, getting practical skills in the design of hydraulic engineering projects, and their job employment. During the practical training, your students have shown great interest in the assigned production tasks showing good professional training, discipline and subordination having earned the respect of employees and management.
At the moment, our Institute employs your graduates who show a high level of professional competence, deep theoretical knowledge, and constantly improve their professional level.
We highly appreciate the established mutually beneficial creative ties with your educational institution and express our hope for continued successful cooperation.
We wish you and your unique university success and prosperity.