Historical and regional studies complex museum-laboratory «Star Chronicle»

The Historical and Local Lore Complex Museum-Laboratory Star Chronicle of the Health School Education Center No. 287 of the Ostankino District has been operating since September 2007, on the occasion of the 860th anniversary of Moscow. The museum is dedicated to astronomy and the history of Russian cosmonautics. The total number of museum objects in the exposition and in the collections totals about 35 thousand storage units, including: items of the clothing and documentary collections, a book fund, philately and a philocardy (stamps and postcards), a video library, and students' creative works. The museum exposition is constantly updated with new exhibits.
We have been cooperating since 2007. In addition to practice, there are different types of interaction:
- participation of our students in the seminar "Dialogue of cultures in the museum space",
- periodic master's seminars on modern methods of exposure design;
- attraction of our students in the acquisition of funds and work with collectors, etc.