IREA (The Federal State Unitary Enterpise «The State Scientific-Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and High Furity Chemical Substances»)

"Kurchatov’s Institute " is a center of domestic chemical science, carrying out research, innovation and educational activities at the level of modern achievements in order to develop and realize the scientific, production and human resources of high-tech industries to ensure intensive sustainable development of a society with a market economy based on fundamental and applied knowledge.
RUDN University and Kurchatov’s Institute have been cooperating for a long time. Excursions at Kurchatov’s Institute are conducted for the university students, and there are also some joint projects (for example, the master's program
"Engineering and physical technologies in the nanoindustry"). The organization conducts practical training for the Ecological Faculty students (the direction of "Ecology and Nature Management") and others. In addition, since 2012 a joint program «Nanotechnological educational initiative" has been implemented.