JSC “Russian Urban Planning Institute and Investment Development Giprogor”

The historical path of the formation of Giprogor as the largest center of domestic urban planning is complex as the entire history of the country in the past century. The history of the Institute is connected with Soviet urban planning - from the first new-built cities: Kuzbass, Magnitogorsk, Ural, - to the integrated modeling of the largest administrative, scientific, industrial and cultural centers of modern Russia.
Among the organizers and creative leaders of the Institute there were Russian scientists and practitioners in the field of urban planning and development: V. Semenov, L. Ilyin, G. Sheleikhovsky, S. Ovsyannikov, V. Vitman.
The Russian Urban Planning Institute and Investment Development "Giprogor" was established in 1929 for modeling master plans of cities and working settlements, the development of project documentation for new buildings of the first five-year plans.
The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.