
International Marketing Agency Kantar is one of the world’s leading data, insight and marketing research agency. Russian subsidiary office Kantar provide actionable insights and precise growth strategies for businesses more than 20 years. More than 10 years Kantar is running programs for students and graduates such as practices, internships, workshops and master classes to attract and develop talented students. As a result of these programs, we annually employ dozens of students and our company has become a well-known and reliable employer among the students and graduates. All this could not have been possible without the cooperation and support of our key
partners like RUDN University. It is a great honor for us to cooperate with the RUDN University and we are proud of the opportunity to participate in the professional development of their students. RUDN students demonstrate a high level of knowledge, integrity and responsibility. They always show interest and participate in all our activities and programs. Special attention should be paid to the high level of analytical skills of Sociology faculty students and graduates of the RUDN University. We hope for further cooperation with RUDN University and always ready to provide their students and graduates opportunity to work and develop at our company.

Engeny Popov
General manager