Kursk Moloko

Since 2005 has been providing the consumers of the Central Black Earth region with high-quality dairy products at affordable prices. Today, it is a flagship in dairy production. The production fully complies with the state standards ensuring a strict control over the quality of the products.
For over 2 years the company has been the base for field internships providing the opportunity of studying the production process as exemplified by a contemporary dairy production facility fitted with cutting-edge equipment.
Since 2019 OOO “Kursk Milk” has been an external base for internships (in the framework of a long-term agreement) for the students of RUDN’s Faculty of Economics. As a representative of food industry, the company provides the students with the opportunity to master the production process by means of an example of a contemporary milk processing plant equipped with cutting-edge machinery.
The RUDN’s students who have completed their internship at OOO “Kursk Milk” have gained a positive reputation by demonstrating a conscientious attitude to the training process and efficient application of theoretical knowledge when performing tasks as part of their internship. The field internship programme for the students majoring in Economics (specialty 38.03.01) is highly implementable on the base of our company where the students are able to complete it in full. The results of the fruitful cooperation can also be seen in the final reports which are prepared by all the students on time and normally do not require any considerable corrections.
OOO “Kursk Milk” plans to further cooperate with the People’s Friendship University of Russia in various areas. Currently under discussion and agreement is a tentative plan for joint events, i.e. workshops or panel discussions given to RUDN’s students by the company’s experts. The results of the company’s activities are also going to be a basis for young researchers when fulfilling their term and thesis projects. We hope that the plans and prospects for further cooperation between our two organisations will undoubtedly expand opportunities for RUDN’s students.