Montazh-Stroy Bryansk LLC

The company “Montazh-Stroy Bryansk” is the successor of “Montazh-Story” LLC, founded in February 19, 2007.
Geographically the construction company “Montazh-Stroy Bryansk” is located in the city of Bryansk where it has a sufficient number of production areas, office and warehouse premises owned by the company.
The main specialization of “Montazh-Stroy Bryansk” LLC is the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of industrial, civil and special purpose facilities "turnkey", as well as providing facilities with engineering networks necessary for production and safe life, production and installation of high-tech building structures made of rolled metal and reinforced concrete.
The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.