
Short description:
Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation. Rosatom is one of the global technological leaders with the resources and competences to successfully operate in all parts of the nuclear energy production chain.
History of cooperation:
- Individual internships in the ANO "Corporate Academy of Rosatom".
- Graduates of “Power Engineering” of the Engineering Academy work in departments of Rosatom.
- 3 graduates of 2017-2018 employed in the project for a nuclear power plant under construction in Bangladesh.
- Also, with the help of the Department of career guidance of RUDN University, graduates from previous years who are members of the Association of Graduates of Russian / Soviet Universities are hired for the RUPPUR project
- Interaction within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics):
- Negotiations were held on the recruitment of students for 2019-2020 to the department of "Digital Enterprise Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex"
- Joint research work.
- In March 2019, the qualifying stage of the VII International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" was held at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), supported by Rosatom, RUSAL and others.
- In 2016, the 4th contest of innovative projects in mechanical engineering was held. The projects of the participants were reviewed by members of the expert council, including representatives from Gazprom, Rosatom, Russian Technologies, Gazprom Neft, Tatneft, Novatek, Lukoil Engineering, Severstal, Mechel, OMK, Rusal, Krastsvetmet
- On March 19, 2016, the Open lesson “Landing on Mars” was held as part of the Fifth All-Russian School Week of High Technologies and Technological Entrepreneurship. Institute of Applied Technical and Economic Research and Expertise at RUDN University with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was held
- On September 25-28, 2017, a round table was held at the RUDN University with representatives of associations and unions of foreign graduates of the RUDN University, including the participation of the director of the International Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, “Interaction Model between the University and Alumni Associations in internship and employment of foreign students". The purpose of the event: improving mechanisms for cooperation between the RUDN University and Alumni Associations.
- The engineering and racing team FS RUDN became the absolute leader in the overall standings of the Russian stage “Formula Student” and took first places in individual disciplines - Acceleration, Autocross and Endurance. FS RUDN - Russian Champions of 2017 in the Formula Student class. The competition was organized by the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship in collaboration with SMP Racing, Power Wheels, Rosatom, the Association of Automotive Engineers, Certina, ISIC, 5 wheel, Popular Mechanics, Days.Ru, Moscow-24, , Actual Moscow.