
The Russian corporation that manages the country's space industry, created in 2015 by transforming the Federal Space Agency "Roskosmos" on the initiative of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin. The office of Roscosmos is located in Moscow. The flight control center is located in Korolev. The cosmonaut training center is located in the Zvyosdny Gorodok near Moscow. Roscosmos uses Baikonur, Vostochny and Plesetsk cosmodromes.
Roscosmos carries out functions to ensure implementation of state policy and legal regulation, provision of public services and management of state property in the field of space activities. The main activities of the corporation are: manned space exploration, planet exploration, the study of the sun, astrophysics and the creation of artificial Earth satellites. One of the important activities of the corporation is the development of tourism, both on earth and in space.
In 2016 Roscosmos and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) have signed an agreement on long-term strategic cooperation. The main areas of cooperation are training highly qualified personnel for the space industry.
Regular production internships for students of the Engineering Academy. Individual internships for students of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
A long-term internship contract with the scientific and production association of measuring equipment (NPO IT, Korolev, part of Roscosmos) in 2018. Since 2018, students have been undergoing all kinds of internships at the enterprise. According to the results of the practice, students are employed.
- In the fall of 2018, internships for student translators at events were organized at Roskomos through the Roskomos Corporate Academy. Students from the Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences and Engineering Academy participated. Everyone received gratitude letters, the best were invited for further cooperation.
- Interaction within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics):
- At present, the training of employees of leading enterprises in conducting a comprehensive reform of the rocket and space industry in Russia is being successfully conducted.
- For 2019-2020 a set of 2 training groups is also planned from those among the leading enterprises of the corporation.
- Joint research work.