
Short description:
Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas corporation in the world. The main activities of Rosneft PJSC are search and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, extraction of oil, gas, gas condensate, implementation of projects for the development of offshore fields, processing of extracted raw materials, sale of oil, gas and their processed products in Russia and abroad.
History of cooperation:
- Students undergo individual internships at Rosneft.
- RUDN University has signed a long-term agreement with RN-Vankor LLC, a subsidiary of Rosneft.
- Interaction within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics): in connection with the opening of the “Digital Enterprise Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex” department, negotiations were held on recruiting students for 2019-2020 training under the master's program in this department.
- On December 6, 2018, within the framework of the bilateral Agreement of Cooperation between the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN University) and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, a round table was held on the “Improving Competitiveness in the Russian Coal Industry on the Example of Investing in Miners' Work Safety” topic with the participation of representatives of Rosneft.
- In March 2019, at the conference “Mechanized Oil Production-2019”, of which Rosneft is a regular participant, a speaker from RUDN University delivered a report.