
Short description:
Russian state corporation, established at the end of 2007 to assist in the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes.
History of cooperation:
- On the basis of the company, students undergo individual internships.
- Currently, the corporation has signed a decree on sending employees of the organization to study in 2019-2020 under the master's program "Innovation Management in Industry" within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries. According to the program above, 1-2 year graduate courses of corporate employees are being successfully taught.
- On the basis of RUDN University, the dissertation council D 999.058.03, combined with Rostec State Corporation operates.
- At the conference “Problems and prospects of economic development and training for high-tech industries. RUDN and space: 55 years together ”, the official opening of the Center for Open Innovations of the State Corporation Rostec at the RUDN University aimed at helping large corporations, research organizations, higher education institutions, regional and municipal authorities, departments and other interested organizations in matters of introduction and development of mechanisms of open innovation.
- On December 2, the RUDN University together with the Embassy of the Russian Federation held a Round Table on topic of "Education in Russia. Employment in Angola" in the Republic of Angola (Luanda). Russian companies with projects on the Angolan market, including giants such as Rostec and Alrosa, also expressed great interest in RUDN graduates, shared their ideas on the organization of interaction.