RUSSIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION is an all-Russian non-governmental organization that unites professional political scientists from various regions of the Russian Federation. The main goal of the association is to promote the consolidation of the professional scientific community and the development of political science in Russia.
The cooperation agreement was concluded with the Russian Association of Political Sciences in 2018. The main areas of cooperation are: organization of practices and employment of students of the Department of Comparative Political Science, as well as assistance in conducting and participating of the Russian Association of Political Sciences members in various RUDN University events, including conferences, round tables, lectures, master classes, etc.
Russian Political Science Association (RAPN) unites professional political scientists. RAPN has been fruitfully cooperating with the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) for a long time. RUDN University employees, graduate and undergraduate students are active participants in scientific events organized by RAPN. They always demonstrate a high level of training in a wide range of scientific interests. The collaboration between Russian Political Science Association and Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, in particular the Department of Comparative Politics of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, includes numerous conferences, forums, workshops, lectures and seminars by leading political scientists. One of the most significant joint projects organized by Russian Political Science Association and the Department of Comparative Politics is the Annual All-Russian Conference “Time for Big Changes: Policy and Politics”, held on November 24–25, 2017 at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. The level of organization and holding of this event was highly appreciated by the Russian scientific community. The scientific activity of the Department of Comparative Politics is highly appreciated by the expert community of Russian Political Science Association. In 2019, the head of the Department of Comparative Politics, Maria M. Mchedlova was awarded the 2nd degree Diploma in the nomination “Educational and Methodical Work”.
In addition, students and graduate students of the Department of Comparative Politics are members of the Council of Young Political Scientists of RAPN. They are actively involved in networking with colleagues from other Russian regions and foreign countries.
Separately, we would like to mention the cooperation of RAPN and RUDN University in the field of organizing internships for the students. Graduate students of the Department of Comparative Politics, who undergo annual practical training at RAPN, stand out due to their high level of knowledge, initiative and responsibility. Their successful activity showed that the quality of professional training of RUDN University graduates and the level of knowledge they obtained correspond to the qualification requirements necessary for further effective scientific work. It is especially gratifying to see RUDN University graduates among the members of RAPN.
Russian Political Science Association hopes to strengthen cooperation with the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and is ready to work together on programs in the field of education and science.