Russian Space Systems

OJSC Russian space systems (RSS) is one of the leaders in the global space instrument engineering. It has been developing, manufacturing, testing, supplying and operating on-board and ground-based equipment and information systems for space applications for 70 years.
In addition to conducting regular practical training for the students of the Ecology and Nature Management direction at the Ecological and other faculties, Russian Space Systems Holding (a part of Roscosmos State Corporation), together with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), is launching a large-scale experiment on the practical training of future rocket-space industry specialists. Within the framework of this project, RUDN University students will have the opportunity to participate in the management of the TNS-0. No. 2 nanoclass spacecraft created in the RSS and interact with the company’s specialists to work out tasks for modeling work processes on board based on real telemetry information from the spacecraft.
JSC “Russian Space Systems” has been cooperating with RUDN on the basis of Cooperation Agreement between RUDN and JSC “RSS” since 2014. Since then, over 20 bachelor students of the program “Management of High-Tech Industries” and over 60 master students specializing in “Managing High-Tech Industries” and “Efficient Managerial Decision Making (Big Data Economics)” have completed internships and found job placements within the framework of the targeted contract-based education. Annually, RUDN hosts scientific conferences and seminars, workshops and lectures featuring heads and leading RSS experts.
The most successful joint projects include the contract-based research activities in the following subjects:
- “Developing a revised version of the JSC “RSS” innovative development program for 2015-2025” (implementation period 2015-2017)
- “Marketing research of the space products and services market and forming comprehensive proposals for JSC “RSS” products and services distribution and promotion, as well as bringing them to the mass-market consumer” (implementation period 2016-2017)
- Forming proposals for entering into contracts for rendering space services by the JSC “RSS” (implementation period 2017).
The following results of cooperation are particularly noteworthy:
- The targeted training of bachelor and master students of “Management” and “Economics” majors respectively.
- Developing new master program curricula based on implementing innovative educational methods and techniques in expert training.
The plans and prospects for the cooperation between JSC “RSS” and RUDN comprise: deepening of the targeted training of master students and senior scientific cadres from the JSC “RSS”, i.e. forming a group of students for the “Efficient Managerial Decision Making (Big Data Economics)” master program, job placement of the most gifted RUDN graduates and engaging the University professors and lecturers in the JSC “RSS” academic and educational program and projects.