SBHI KR "Novokuznetsk SCH 29 named after A.A.Lutsik”
SBHI KR "Novokuznetsk SCH 29 named after A.A.Lutsik”
SBHI KR "Novokuznetsk SCH 29 named after A.A.Lutsik”
Short description:
The structure of the medical organization includes:
- 18 inpatient departments (profiles: neurosurgical, vascular surgery, hematological, surgical thoracic, traumatological, surgical, resuscitation, urological, gynecological, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroenterological, infectious, neurological),
- 11 outpatient departments,
- 5 laboratories,
- 4 diagnostic units,
- support services.
- Currently, the hospital's bed fund is 776 beds, including:
- 525 beds of round-the-clock hospital;
- 23 intensive care beds;
- 69day hospital beds (DHB);
- 130 beds of the polyclinic day hospital (PDH);
- 29 self-financing beds.
History of cooperation:
The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.