State government institution of the Moscow region “Agency for Development of Utility Infrastructure”
State government institution of the Moscow region “Agency for Development of Utility Infrastructure”
State government institution of the Moscow region “Agency for Development of Utility Infrastructure”

Short description:
In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Moscow region dated 29.11.2016 No. 350-RP/42
"On renaming and changing the subject and objectives of the activities of the state government institution of Moscow region "Management of capital repairs and construction of housing and utilities " State government institution of Moscow region "Agency for Development of Utility Infrastructure" (hereinafter - GKU MO "ARKI") was formed on the basis of the existing state government institution of the Moscow region "Management of capital repairs and construction of housing and utilities" by changing its name and objectives of activity.
History of cooperation:
The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.